Source code for catboost_spark.core

import collections
import datetime
from enum import Enum

from py4j.java_gateway import JavaObject

from pyspark import keyword_only, SparkContext

from import JavaProbabilisticClassificationModel
from import JavaRegressionModel

from import inherit_doc
from import Param, Params
from import JavaMLReader, JavaMLWriter, JavaMLWritable, MLReadable

from import JavaParams, JavaEstimator, JavaWrapper
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, SparkSession

    original JavaParams._from_java has to be replaced because of hardcoded class names transformation

def _from_java_patched_for_catboost(java_stage):
    Given a Java object, create and return a Python wrapper of it.
    Used for ML persistence.

    Meta-algorithms such as Pipeline should override this method as a classmethod.
    def __get_class(clazz):
        Loads Python class from its name.
        parts = clazz.split('.')
        module = ".".join(parts[:-1])
        m = __import__(module)
        for comp in parts[1:]:
            m = getattr(m, comp)
        return m
    stage_name = (
            .replace("org.apache.spark", "pyspark")
            .replace("ai.catboost.spark", "catboost_spark")
    # Generate a default new instance from the stage_name class.
    py_type = __get_class(stage_name)
    if issubclass(py_type, JavaParams):
        # Load information from java_stage to the instance.
        py_stage = py_type()
        py_stage._java_obj = java_stage
    elif hasattr(py_type, "_from_java"):
        py_stage = py_type._from_java(java_stage)
        raise NotImplementedError("This Java stage cannot be loaded into Python currently: %r"
                                  % stage_name)
    return py_stage

JavaParams._from_java = _from_java_patched_for_catboost

    Adapt _py2java and _java2py for additional types present in CatBoost Params

_standard_py2java =
_standard_java2py =

def _py2java(sc, obj):
    """ Convert Python object into Java """
    if isinstance(obj, SparkSession):
        return obj._jsparkSession
    if isinstance(obj, Enum):
        return getattr(
    if isinstance(obj, datetime.timedelta):
        return // datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=1))
    if isinstance(obj, JavaParams):
        return obj._to_java()
    if isinstance(obj, collections.OrderedDict):
    return _standard_py2java(sc, obj)

def _java2py(sc, r, encoding="bytes"):
    if isinstance(r, JavaObject):
        enumValues = r.getClass().getEnumConstants()
        if (enumValues is not None) and (len(enumValues) > 0):
            return globals()[r.getClass().getSimpleName()](r.swigValue())
        clsName = r.getClass().getName()
        if clsName == 'java.time.Duration':
            return datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=r.toMillis())
        if clsName == 'ai.catboost.spark.Pool':
            return Pool(r)
        if clsName == 'java.util.LinkedHashMap':
            return collections.OrderedDict(r)
    return _standard_java2py(sc, r, encoding) = _py2java = _java2py = _py2java = _java2py

class CatBoostMLReader(JavaMLReader):
    (Private) Specialization of :py:class:`JavaMLReader` for CatBoost types

    def _java_loader_class(cls, clazz):
        Returns the full class name of the Java ML instance.
        java_package = clazz.__module__.replace("catboost_spark.core", "ai.catboost.spark")
        print("CatBoostMLReader._java_loader_class. ", java_package + "." + clazz.__name__)
        return java_package + "." + clazz.__name__

[docs]class PoolLoadParams(JavaParams): """ Parameters ---------- delimiter : str, default: "\t" The delimiter character used to separate the data in the dataset description input file. hasHeader : bool Read the column names from the first line of the dataset description file if this parameter is set. """ @keyword_only def __init__(self, delimiter="\t", hasHeader=None): super(PoolLoadParams, self).__init__() self._java_obj = self._new_java_obj("ai.catboost.spark.params.PoolLoadParams") self.delimiter = Param(self, "delimiter", "The delimiter character used to separate the data in the dataset description input file.") self._setDefault(delimiter="\t") self.hasHeader = Param(self, "hasHeader", "Read the column names from the first line of the dataset description file if this parameter is set.") if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs self.setParams(**kwargs)
[docs] @keyword_only def setParams(self, delimiter="\t", hasHeader=None): """ Set the (keyword only) parameters Parameters ---------- delimiter : str, default: "\t" The delimiter character used to separate the data in the dataset description input file. hasHeader : bool Read the column names from the first line of the dataset description file if this parameter is set. """ if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs return self._set(**kwargs)
[docs] def getDelimiter(self): """ Returns ------- str The delimiter character used to separate the data in the dataset description input file. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.delimiter)
[docs] def setDelimiter(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str The delimiter character used to separate the data in the dataset description input file. """ self._set(delimiter=value) return self
[docs] def getHasHeader(self): """ Returns ------- bool Read the column names from the first line of the dataset description file if this parameter is set. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.hasHeader)
[docs] def setHasHeader(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool Read the column names from the first line of the dataset description file if this parameter is set. """ self._set(hasHeader=value) return self
[docs]class QuantizationParams(JavaParams): """ Parameters ---------- borderCount : int The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254. featureBorderType : EBorderSelectionType The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum' ignoredFeaturesIndices : list Feature indices to exclude from the training ignoredFeaturesNames : list Feature names to exclude from the training inputBorders : str Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them) nanMode : ENanMode The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min' perFloatFeatureQuantizaton : list The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method] threadCount : int Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client """ @keyword_only def __init__(self, borderCount=None, featureBorderType=None, ignoredFeaturesIndices=None, ignoredFeaturesNames=None, inputBorders=None, nanMode=None, perFloatFeatureQuantizaton=None, threadCount=None): super(QuantizationParams, self).__init__() self._java_obj = self._new_java_obj("ai.catboost.spark.params.QuantizationParams") self.borderCount = Param(self, "borderCount", "The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254.") self.featureBorderType = Param(self, "featureBorderType", "The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum'") self.ignoredFeaturesIndices = Param(self, "ignoredFeaturesIndices", "Feature indices to exclude from the training") self.ignoredFeaturesNames = Param(self, "ignoredFeaturesNames", "Feature names to exclude from the training") self.inputBorders = Param(self, "inputBorders", "Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them)") self.nanMode = Param(self, "nanMode", "The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min'") self.perFloatFeatureQuantizaton = Param(self, "perFloatFeatureQuantizaton", "The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method]") self.threadCount = Param(self, "threadCount", "Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client") if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs self.setParams(**kwargs)
[docs] @keyword_only def setParams(self, borderCount=None, featureBorderType=None, ignoredFeaturesIndices=None, ignoredFeaturesNames=None, inputBorders=None, nanMode=None, perFloatFeatureQuantizaton=None, threadCount=None): """ Set the (keyword only) parameters Parameters ---------- borderCount : int The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254. featureBorderType : EBorderSelectionType The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum' ignoredFeaturesIndices : list Feature indices to exclude from the training ignoredFeaturesNames : list Feature names to exclude from the training inputBorders : str Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them) nanMode : ENanMode The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min' perFloatFeatureQuantizaton : list The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method] threadCount : int Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client """ if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs return self._set(**kwargs)
[docs] def getBorderCount(self): """ Returns ------- int The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.borderCount)
[docs] def setBorderCount(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254. """ self._set(borderCount=value) return self
[docs] def getFeatureBorderType(self): """ Returns ------- EBorderSelectionType The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.featureBorderType)
[docs] def setFeatureBorderType(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : EBorderSelectionType The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum' """ self._set(featureBorderType=value) return self
[docs] def getIgnoredFeaturesIndices(self): """ Returns ------- list Feature indices to exclude from the training """ return self.getOrDefault(self.ignoredFeaturesIndices)
[docs] def setIgnoredFeaturesIndices(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Feature indices to exclude from the training """ self._set(ignoredFeaturesIndices=value) return self
[docs] def getIgnoredFeaturesNames(self): """ Returns ------- list Feature names to exclude from the training """ return self.getOrDefault(self.ignoredFeaturesNames)
[docs] def setIgnoredFeaturesNames(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Feature names to exclude from the training """ self._set(ignoredFeaturesNames=value) return self
[docs] def getInputBorders(self): """ Returns ------- str Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them) """ return self.getOrDefault(self.inputBorders)
[docs] def setInputBorders(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them) """ self._set(inputBorders=value) return self
[docs] def getNanMode(self): """ Returns ------- ENanMode The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.nanMode)
[docs] def setNanMode(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ENanMode The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min' """ self._set(nanMode=value) return self
[docs] def getPerFloatFeatureQuantizaton(self): """ Returns ------- list The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method] """ return self.getOrDefault(self.perFloatFeatureQuantizaton)
[docs] def setPerFloatFeatureQuantizaton(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method] """ self._set(perFloatFeatureQuantizaton=value) return self
[docs] def getThreadCount(self): """ Returns ------- int Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client """ return self.getOrDefault(self.threadCount)
[docs] def setThreadCount(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client """ self._set(threadCount=value) return self
[docs]class Pool(JavaParams): """ CatBoost's abstraction of a dataset. Features data can be stored in raw (features column has type) or quantized (float feature values are quantized into integer bin values, features column has Array[Byte] type) form. Raw Pool can be transformed to quantized form using `quantize` method. This is useful if this dataset is used for training multiple times and quantization parameters do not change. Pre-quantized Pool allows to cache quantized features data and so do not re-run feature quantization step at the start of an each training. """ def __init__(self, data_frame_or_java_object, pairs_data_frame=None): """ Construct Pool from DataFrame, optionally specifying pairs data in an additional DataFrame. """ if isinstance(data_frame_or_java_object, JavaObject): java_obj = data_frame_or_java_object else: java_obj = JavaWrapper._new_java_obj("ai.catboost.spark.Pool", data_frame_or_java_object, pairs_data_frame) super(Pool, self).__init__(java_obj) self.baselineCol = Param(self, "baselineCol", "baseline column name") self.featuresCol = Param(self, "featuresCol", "features column name") self._setDefault(featuresCol="features") self.groupIdCol = Param(self, "groupIdCol", "groupId column name") self.groupWeightCol = Param(self, "groupWeightCol", "groupWeight column name") self.labelCol = Param(self, "labelCol", "label column name") self._setDefault(labelCol="label") self.sampleIdCol = Param(self, "sampleIdCol", "sampleId column name") self.subgroupIdCol = Param(self, "subgroupIdCol", "subgroupId column name") self.timestampCol = Param(self, "timestampCol", "timestamp column name") self.weightCol = Param(self, "weightCol", "weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0")
[docs] @keyword_only def setParams(self, baselineCol=None, featuresCol="features", groupIdCol=None, groupWeightCol=None, labelCol="label", sampleIdCol=None, subgroupIdCol=None, timestampCol=None, weightCol=None): """ Set the (keyword only) parameters Parameters ---------- baselineCol : str baseline column name featuresCol : str, default: "features" features column name groupIdCol : str groupId column name groupWeightCol : str groupWeight column name labelCol : str, default: "label" label column name sampleIdCol : str sampleId column name subgroupIdCol : str subgroupId column name timestampCol : str timestamp column name weightCol : str weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0 """ if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs return self._set(**kwargs)
[docs] def getBaselineCol(self): """ Returns ------- str baseline column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.baselineCol)
[docs] def setBaselineCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str baseline column name """ self._set(baselineCol=value) return self
[docs] def getFeaturesCol(self): """ Returns ------- str features column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.featuresCol)
[docs] def setFeaturesCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str features column name """ self._set(featuresCol=value) return self
[docs] def getGroupIdCol(self): """ Returns ------- str groupId column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.groupIdCol)
[docs] def setGroupIdCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str groupId column name """ self._set(groupIdCol=value) return self
[docs] def getGroupWeightCol(self): """ Returns ------- str groupWeight column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.groupWeightCol)
[docs] def setGroupWeightCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str groupWeight column name """ self._set(groupWeightCol=value) return self
[docs] def getLabelCol(self): """ Returns ------- str label column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.labelCol)
[docs] def setLabelCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str label column name """ self._set(labelCol=value) return self
[docs] def getSampleIdCol(self): """ Returns ------- str sampleId column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.sampleIdCol)
[docs] def setSampleIdCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str sampleId column name """ self._set(sampleIdCol=value) return self
[docs] def getSubgroupIdCol(self): """ Returns ------- str subgroupId column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.subgroupIdCol)
[docs] def setSubgroupIdCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str subgroupId column name """ self._set(subgroupIdCol=value) return self
[docs] def getTimestampCol(self): """ Returns ------- str timestamp column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.timestampCol)
[docs] def setTimestampCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str timestamp column name """ self._set(timestampCol=value) return self
[docs] def getWeightCol(self): """ Returns ------- str weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0 """ return self.getOrDefault(self.weightCol)
[docs] def setWeightCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0 """ self._set(weightCol=value) return self
def _call_java(self, name, *args): self._transfer_params_to_java() return JavaWrapper._call_java(self, name, *args)
[docs] def isQuantized(self): """ Returns whether the main `data` has already been quantized. """ return self._call_java("isQuantized")
[docs] def getFeatureCount(self): """ Returns the number of features. """ return self._call_java("getFeatureCount")
[docs] def getFeatureNames(self): """ Returns the list of feature names. """ return self._call_java("getFeatureNames")
[docs] def count(self): """ Returns the number of rows in the main `data` DataFrame. """ return self._call_java("count")
[docs] def pairsCount(self): """ Returns the number of rows in the `pairsData` DataFrame. """ return self._call_java("pairsCount")
[docs] def getBaselineCount(self): """ Returns the dimension of the baseline data (0 if not specified). """ return self._call_java("getBaselineCount")
@property def data(self): """ DataFrame with the main data (features, label, (optionally) weight etc.) """ return self._call_java("data") @property def pairsData(self): """ DataFrame with the pairs data (groupId, winnerId, loserId and optionally weight). Can be None. """ return self._call_java("pairsData")
[docs] def quantize(self, quantizationParams = None): """Create Pool with quantized features from Pool with raw features""" if quantizationParams is None: quantizationParams = QuantizationParams() return self._call_java("quantize", quantizationParams)
[docs] def repartition(self, partitionCount, byGroupColumnsIfPresent): """ Repartion data to the specified number of partitions. Useful to repartition data to create one partition per executor for training (where each executor gets its' own CatBoost worker with a part of the training data). """ return self._call_java("repartition", partitionCount, byGroupColumnsIfPresent)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(sparkSession, dataPathWithScheme, columnDescription=None, poolLoadParams=None, pairsDataPathWithScheme=None): """ Load dataset in one of CatBoost's natively supported formats: * dsv - * libsvm - Parameters ---------- sparkSession : SparkSession dataPathWithScheme : str Path with scheme to dataset in CatBoost format. For example, `dsv:///home/user/datasets/my_dataset/train.dsv` or `libsvm:///home/user/datasets/my_dataset/train.libsvm` columnDescription : str, optional Path to column description file. See params : PoolLoadParams, optional Additional params specifying data format. pairsDataPathWithScheme : str, optional Path with scheme to dataset pairs in CatBoost format. Only "dsv-grouped" format is supported for now. For example, `dsv-grouped:///home/user/datasets/my_dataset/train_pairs.dsv` Returns ------- Pool Pool containing loaded data """ if poolLoadParams is None: poolLoadParams = PoolLoadParams() sc = sparkSession.sparkContext java_obj = _py2java(sc, sparkSession), dataPathWithScheme, (, sc._gateway.new_array(sc._jvm.String, 0)) if columnDescription else None ), _py2java(sc, poolLoadParams), pairsDataPathWithScheme ) return Pool(java_obj)
[docs]class EAutoClassWeightsType(Enum): Balanced = 0 SqrtBalanced = 1 No = 2
[docs]class EBootstrapType(Enum): Poisson = 0 Bayesian = 1 Bernoulli = 2 MVS = 3 No = 4
[docs]class EBorderSelectionType(Enum): Median = 0 GreedyLogSum = 1 UniformAndQuantiles = 2 MinEntropy = 3 MaxLogSum = 4 Uniform = 5 GreedyMinEntropy = 6
[docs]class ECalcTypeShapValues(Enum): Approximate = 0 Regular = 1 Exact = 2 Independent = 3
[docs]class EExplainableModelOutput(Enum): Raw = 0 Probability = 1 LossFunction = 2
[docs]class EFstrType(Enum): PredictionValuesChange = 0 LossFunctionChange = 1 FeatureImportance = 2 InternalFeatureImportance = 3 Interaction = 4 InternalInteraction = 5 ShapValues = 6 PredictionDiff = 7 ShapInteractionValues = 8
[docs]class ELeavesEstimation(Enum): Gradient = 0 Newton = 1 Exact = 2 Simple = 3
[docs]class ELeavesEstimationStepBacktracking(Enum): No = 0 AnyImprovement = 1 Armijo = 2
[docs]class ELoggingLevel(Enum): Silent = 0 Verbose = 1 Info = 2 Debug = 3
[docs]class EModelShrinkMode(Enum): Constant = 0 Decreasing = 1
[docs]class EModelType(Enum): CatboostBinary = 0 AppleCoreML = 1 Cpp = 2 Python = 3 Json = 4 Onnx = 5 Pmml = 6 CPUSnapshot = 7
[docs]class ENanMode(Enum): Min = 0 Max = 1 Forbidden = 2
[docs]class EOverfittingDetectorType(Enum): No = 0 Wilcoxon = 1 IncToDec = 2 Iter = 3
[docs]class EPreCalcShapValues(Enum): Auto = 0 UsePreCalc = 1 NoPreCalc = 2
[docs]class ESamplingFrequency(Enum): PerTree = 0 PerTreeLevel = 1
[docs]class ESamplingUnit(Enum): Object = 0 Group = 1
[docs]class EScoreFunction(Enum): SolarL2 = 0 Cosine = 1 NewtonL2 = 2 NewtonCosine = 3 LOOL2 = 4 SatL2 = 5 L2 = 6
[docs]@inherit_doc class CatBoostRegressor(JavaEstimator, MLReadable, JavaMLWritable): """ Class to train CatBoostRegressionModel Init Parameters --------------- allowConstLabel : bool Use it to train models with datasets that have equal label values for all objects. allowWritingFiles : bool Allow to write analytical and snapshot files during training. Enabled by default. approxOnFullHistory : bool Use all the preceding rows in the fold for calculating the approximated values. This mode is slower and in rare cases slightly more accurate. baggingTemperature : float This parameter can be used if the selected bootstrap type is Bayesian. Possible values are in the range [0, +inf). The higher the value the more aggressive the bagging is.Default value in 1.0. bestModelMinTrees : int The minimal number of trees that the best model should have. If set, the output model contains at least the given number of trees even if the best model is located within these trees. Should be used with the useBestModel parameter. No limit by default. bootstrapType : EBootstrapType Bootstrap type. Defines the method for sampling the weights of objects.The default value depends on the selected mode and processing unit type: QueryCrossEntropy, YetiRankPairwise, PairLogitPairwise: Bernoulli with the subsample parameter set to 0.5. MultiClass and MultiClassOneVsAll: Bayesian. Other modes: MVS with the subsample parameter set to 0.8. borderCount : int The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254. connectTimeout : datetime.timedelta, default: datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=60000) Timeout to wait while establishing socket connections between TrainingDriver and workers.Default is 1 minute customMetric : list Metric values to output during training. These functions are not optimized and are displayed for informational purposes only. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). depth : int Depth of the tree.Default value is 6. diffusionTemperature : float The diffusion temperature of the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Boosting mode. Only non-negative values are supported. Default value is 10000. earlyStoppingRounds : int Sets the overfitting detector type to Iter and stops the training after the specified number of iterations since the iteration with the optimal metric value. evalMetric : str The metric used for overfitting detection (if enabled) and best model selection (if enabled). Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). featureBorderType : EBorderSelectionType The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum' featureWeightsList : list Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Array indices correspond to feature indices. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsMap. featureWeightsMap : dict Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Map is 'feature_name' -> weight. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsList. featuresCol : str, default: "features" features column name firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList : list Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap. firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap : dict Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList. foldLenMultiplier : float Coefficient for changing the length of folds. The value must be greater than 1. The best validation result is achieved with minimum values. Default value is 2.0. foldPermutationBlock : int Objects in the dataset are grouped in blocks before the random permutations. This parameter defines the size of the blocks. The smaller is the value, the slower is the training. Large values may result in quality degradation. Default value is 1. hasTime : bool Use the order of objects in the input data (do not perform random permutations during Choosing the tree structure stage). ignoredFeaturesIndices : list Feature indices to exclude from the training ignoredFeaturesNames : list Feature names to exclude from the training inputBorders : str Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them) iterations : int The maximum number of trees that can be built when solving machine learning problems. When using other parameters that limit the number of iterations, the final number of trees may be less than the number specified in this parameter. Default value is 1000. l2LeafReg : float Coefficient at the L2 regularization term of the cost function. Any positive value is allowed. Default value is 3.0. labelCol : str, default: "label" label column name leafEstimationBacktracking : ELeavesEstimationStepBacktracking When the value of the leafEstimationIterations parameter is greater than 1, CatBoost makes several gradient or newton steps when calculating the resulting leaf values of a tree. The behaviour differs depending on the value of this parameter. See documentation for details. Default value is 'AnyImprovement' leafEstimationIterations : int CatBoost might calculate leaf values using several gradient or newton steps instead of a single one. This parameter regulates how many steps are done in every tree when calculating leaf values. leafEstimationMethod : ELeavesEstimation The method used to calculate the values in leaves. See documentation for details. learningRate : float The learning rate. Used for reducing the gradient step. The default value is defined automatically for Logloss, MultiClass & RMSE loss functions depending on the number of iterations if none of 'leaf_estimation_iterations', leaf_estimation_method', 'l2_leaf_reg' is set. In this case, the selected learning rate is printed to stdout and saved in the model. In other cases, the default value is 0.03. loggingLevel : ELoggingLevel The logging level to output to stdout. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Verbose' lossFunction : str The metric to use in training. The specified value also determines the machine learning problem to solve. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). metricPeriod : int The frequency of iterations to calculate the values of objectives and metrics. The value should be a positive integer. The usage of this parameter speeds up the training. Default value is 1. modelShrinkMode : EModelShrinkMode Determines how the actual model shrinkage coefficient is calculated at each iteration. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Constant' modelShrinkRate : float The constant used to calculate the coefficient for multiplying the model on each iteration. See documentation for details. mvsReg : float Affects the weight of the denominator and can be used for balancing between the importance and Bernoulli sampling (setting it to 0 implies importance sampling and to +Inf - Bernoulli).Note: This parameter is supported only for the MVS sampling method. nanMode : ENanMode The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min' odPval : float The threshold for the IncToDec overfitting detector type. The training is stopped when the specified value is reached. Requires that a validation dataset was input. See documentation for details.Turned off by default. odType : EOverfittingDetectorType The type of the overfitting detector to use. See documentation for details. Default value is 'IncToDec' odWait : int The number of iterations to continue the training after the iteration with the optimal metric value. See documentation for details. Default value is 20. oneHotMaxSize : int Use one-hot encoding for all categorical features with a number of different values less than or equal to the given parameter value. Ctrs are not calculated for such features. penaltiesCoefficient : float A single-value common coefficient to multiply all penalties. Non-negative values are supported. Default value is 1.0. perFloatFeatureQuantizaton : list The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method] perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList : list Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap. perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap : dict Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList. predictionCol : str, default: "prediction" prediction column name randomSeed : int The random seed used for training. Default value is 0. randomStrength : float The amount of randomness to use for scoring splits when the tree structure is selected. Use this parameter to avoid overfitting the model. See documentation for details. Default value is 1.0 rsm : float Random subspace method. The percentage of features to use at each split selection, when features are selected over again at random. The value must be in the range (0;1]. Default value is 1. samplingFrequency : ESamplingFrequency Frequency to sample weights and objects when building trees. Default value is 'PerTreeLevel' samplingUnit : ESamplingUnit The sampling scheme, see documentation for details. Default value is 'Object' saveSnapshot : bool Enable snapshotting for restoring the training progress after an interruption. If enabled, the default period for making snapshots is 600 seconds. Use the snapshotInterval parameter to change this period. scoreFunction : EScoreFunction The score type used to select the next split during the tree construction. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Cosine' snapshotFile : str The name of the file to save the training progress information in. This file is used for recovering training after an interruption. snapshotInterval : datetime.timedelta The interval between saving snapshots. See documentation for details. Default value is 600 seconds. sparkPartitionCount : int The number of partitions used during training. Corresponds to the number of active parallel tasks. Set to the number of active executors by default subsample : float Sample rate for bagging. The default value depends on the dataset size and the bootstrap type, see documentation for details. threadCount : int Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client trainDir : str The directory for storing the files on Driver node generated during training. Default value is 'catboost_info' useBestModel : bool If this parameter is set, the number of trees that are saved in the resulting model is selected based on the optimal value of the evalMetric. This option requires a validation dataset to be provided. weightCol : str weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0 workerInitializationTimeout : datetime.timedelta, default: datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=600000) Timeout to wait until CatBoost workers on Spark executors are initalized and sent their info to master. Depends on dataset size. Default is 10 minutes workerMaxFailures : int, default: 4 Number of individual CatBoost workers failures before giving up training. Should be greater than or equal to 1. Default is 4 """ @keyword_only def __init__(self, allowConstLabel=None, allowWritingFiles=None, approxOnFullHistory=None, baggingTemperature=None, bestModelMinTrees=None, bootstrapType=None, borderCount=None, connectTimeout=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=60000), customMetric=None, depth=None, diffusionTemperature=None, earlyStoppingRounds=None, evalMetric=None, featureBorderType=None, featureWeightsList=None, featureWeightsMap=None, featuresCol="features", firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList=None, firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap=None, foldLenMultiplier=None, foldPermutationBlock=None, hasTime=None, ignoredFeaturesIndices=None, ignoredFeaturesNames=None, inputBorders=None, iterations=None, l2LeafReg=None, labelCol="label", leafEstimationBacktracking=None, leafEstimationIterations=None, leafEstimationMethod=None, learningRate=None, loggingLevel=None, lossFunction=None, metricPeriod=None, modelShrinkMode=None, modelShrinkRate=None, mvsReg=None, nanMode=None, odPval=None, odType=None, odWait=None, oneHotMaxSize=None, penaltiesCoefficient=None, perFloatFeatureQuantizaton=None, perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList=None, perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap=None, predictionCol="prediction", randomSeed=None, randomStrength=None, rsm=None, samplingFrequency=None, samplingUnit=None, saveSnapshot=None, scoreFunction=None, snapshotFile=None, snapshotInterval=None, sparkPartitionCount=None, subsample=None, threadCount=None, trainDir=None, useBestModel=None, weightCol=None, workerInitializationTimeout=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=600000), workerMaxFailures=4): super(CatBoostRegressor, self).__init__() self._java_obj = self._new_java_obj("ai.catboost.spark.CatBoostRegressor") self.allowConstLabel = Param(self, "allowConstLabel", "Use it to train models with datasets that have equal label values for all objects.") self.allowWritingFiles = Param(self, "allowWritingFiles", "Allow to write analytical and snapshot files during training. Enabled by default.") self.approxOnFullHistory = Param(self, "approxOnFullHistory", "Use all the preceding rows in the fold for calculating the approximated values. This mode is slower and in rare cases slightly more accurate.") self.baggingTemperature = Param(self, "baggingTemperature", "This parameter can be used if the selected bootstrap type is Bayesian. Possible values are in the range [0, +inf). The higher the value the more aggressive the bagging is.Default value in 1.0.") self.bestModelMinTrees = Param(self, "bestModelMinTrees", "The minimal number of trees that the best model should have. If set, the output model contains at least the given number of trees even if the best model is located within these trees. Should be used with the useBestModel parameter. No limit by default.") self.bootstrapType = Param(self, "bootstrapType", "Bootstrap type. Defines the method for sampling the weights of objects.The default value depends on the selected mode and processing unit type: QueryCrossEntropy, YetiRankPairwise, PairLogitPairwise: Bernoulli with the subsample parameter set to 0.5. MultiClass and MultiClassOneVsAll: Bayesian. Other modes: MVS with the subsample parameter set to 0.8.") self.borderCount = Param(self, "borderCount", "The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254.") self.connectTimeout = Param(self, "connectTimeout", "Timeout to wait while establishing socket connections between TrainingDriver and workers.Default is 1 minute") self._setDefault(connectTimeout=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=60000)) self.customMetric = Param(self, "customMetric", "Metric values to output during training. These functions are not optimized and are displayed for informational purposes only. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric).") self.depth = Param(self, "depth", "Depth of the tree.Default value is 6.") self.diffusionTemperature = Param(self, "diffusionTemperature", "The diffusion temperature of the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Boosting mode. Only non-negative values are supported. Default value is 10000.") self.earlyStoppingRounds = Param(self, "earlyStoppingRounds", "Sets the overfitting detector type to Iter and stops the training after the specified number of iterations since the iteration with the optimal metric value.") self.evalMetric = Param(self, "evalMetric", "The metric used for overfitting detection (if enabled) and best model selection (if enabled). Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric).") self.featureBorderType = Param(self, "featureBorderType", "The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum'") self.featureWeightsList = Param(self, "featureWeightsList", "Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Array indices correspond to feature indices. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsMap.") self.featureWeightsMap = Param(self, "featureWeightsMap", "Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Map is 'feature_name' -> weight. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsList.") self.featuresCol = Param(self, "featuresCol", "features column name") self._setDefault(featuresCol="features") self.firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList = Param(self, "firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList", "Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap.") self.firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap = Param(self, "firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap", "Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList.") self.foldLenMultiplier = Param(self, "foldLenMultiplier", "Coefficient for changing the length of folds. The value must be greater than 1. The best validation result is achieved with minimum values. Default value is 2.0.") self.foldPermutationBlock = Param(self, "foldPermutationBlock", "Objects in the dataset are grouped in blocks before the random permutations. This parameter defines the size of the blocks. The smaller is the value, the slower is the training. Large values may result in quality degradation. Default value is 1.") self.hasTime = Param(self, "hasTime", "Use the order of objects in the input data (do not perform random permutations during Choosing the tree structure stage).") self.ignoredFeaturesIndices = Param(self, "ignoredFeaturesIndices", "Feature indices to exclude from the training") self.ignoredFeaturesNames = Param(self, "ignoredFeaturesNames", "Feature names to exclude from the training") self.inputBorders = Param(self, "inputBorders", "Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them)") self.iterations = Param(self, "iterations", "The maximum number of trees that can be built when solving machine learning problems. When using other parameters that limit the number of iterations, the final number of trees may be less than the number specified in this parameter. Default value is 1000.") self.l2LeafReg = Param(self, "l2LeafReg", "Coefficient at the L2 regularization term of the cost function. Any positive value is allowed. Default value is 3.0.") self.labelCol = Param(self, "labelCol", "label column name") self._setDefault(labelCol="label") self.leafEstimationBacktracking = Param(self, "leafEstimationBacktracking", "When the value of the leafEstimationIterations parameter is greater than 1, CatBoost makes several gradient or newton steps when calculating the resulting leaf values of a tree. The behaviour differs depending on the value of this parameter. See documentation for details. Default value is 'AnyImprovement'") self.leafEstimationIterations = Param(self, "leafEstimationIterations", "CatBoost might calculate leaf values using several gradient or newton steps instead of a single one. This parameter regulates how many steps are done in every tree when calculating leaf values.") self.leafEstimationMethod = Param(self, "leafEstimationMethod", "The method used to calculate the values in leaves. See documentation for details.") self.learningRate = Param(self, "learningRate", "The learning rate. Used for reducing the gradient step. The default value is defined automatically for Logloss, MultiClass & RMSE loss functions depending on the number of iterations if none of 'leaf_estimation_iterations', leaf_estimation_method', 'l2_leaf_reg' is set. In this case, the selected learning rate is printed to stdout and saved in the model. In other cases, the default value is 0.03.") self.loggingLevel = Param(self, "loggingLevel", "The logging level to output to stdout. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Verbose'") self.lossFunction = Param(self, "lossFunction", "The metric to use in training. The specified value also determines the machine learning problem to solve. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric).") self.metricPeriod = Param(self, "metricPeriod", "The frequency of iterations to calculate the values of objectives and metrics. The value should be a positive integer. The usage of this parameter speeds up the training. Default value is 1.") self.modelShrinkMode = Param(self, "modelShrinkMode", "Determines how the actual model shrinkage coefficient is calculated at each iteration. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Constant'") self.modelShrinkRate = Param(self, "modelShrinkRate", "The constant used to calculate the coefficient for multiplying the model on each iteration. See documentation for details.") self.mvsReg = Param(self, "mvsReg", "Affects the weight of the denominator and can be used for balancing between the importance and Bernoulli sampling (setting it to 0 implies importance sampling and to +Inf - Bernoulli).Note: This parameter is supported only for the MVS sampling method.") self.nanMode = Param(self, "nanMode", "The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min'") self.odPval = Param(self, "odPval", "The threshold for the IncToDec overfitting detector type. The training is stopped when the specified value is reached. Requires that a validation dataset was input. See documentation for details.Turned off by default.") self.odType = Param(self, "odType", "The type of the overfitting detector to use. See documentation for details. Default value is 'IncToDec'") self.odWait = Param(self, "odWait", "The number of iterations to continue the training after the iteration with the optimal metric value. See documentation for details. Default value is 20.") self.oneHotMaxSize = Param(self, "oneHotMaxSize", "Use one-hot encoding for all categorical features with a number of different values less than or equal to the given parameter value. Ctrs are not calculated for such features.") self.penaltiesCoefficient = Param(self, "penaltiesCoefficient", "A single-value common coefficient to multiply all penalties. Non-negative values are supported. Default value is 1.0.") self.perFloatFeatureQuantizaton = Param(self, "perFloatFeatureQuantizaton", "The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method]") self.perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList = Param(self, "perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList", "Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap.") self.perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap = Param(self, "perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap", "Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList.") self.predictionCol = Param(self, "predictionCol", "prediction column name") self._setDefault(predictionCol="prediction") self.randomSeed = Param(self, "randomSeed", "The random seed used for training. Default value is 0.") self.randomStrength = Param(self, "randomStrength", "The amount of randomness to use for scoring splits when the tree structure is selected. Use this parameter to avoid overfitting the model. See documentation for details. Default value is 1.0") self.rsm = Param(self, "rsm", "Random subspace method. The percentage of features to use at each split selection, when features are selected over again at random. The value must be in the range (0;1]. Default value is 1.") self.samplingFrequency = Param(self, "samplingFrequency", "Frequency to sample weights and objects when building trees. Default value is 'PerTreeLevel'") self.samplingUnit = Param(self, "samplingUnit", "The sampling scheme, see documentation for details. Default value is 'Object'") self.saveSnapshot = Param(self, "saveSnapshot", "Enable snapshotting for restoring the training progress after an interruption. If enabled, the default period for making snapshots is 600 seconds. Use the snapshotInterval parameter to change this period.") self.scoreFunction = Param(self, "scoreFunction", "The score type used to select the next split during the tree construction. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Cosine'") self.snapshotFile = Param(self, "snapshotFile", "The name of the file to save the training progress information in. This file is used for recovering training after an interruption.") self.snapshotInterval = Param(self, "snapshotInterval", "The interval between saving snapshots. See documentation for details. Default value is 600 seconds.") self.sparkPartitionCount = Param(self, "sparkPartitionCount", "The number of partitions used during training. Corresponds to the number of active parallel tasks. Set to the number of active executors by default") self.subsample = Param(self, "subsample", "Sample rate for bagging. The default value depends on the dataset size and the bootstrap type, see documentation for details.") self.threadCount = Param(self, "threadCount", "Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client") self.trainDir = Param(self, "trainDir", "The directory for storing the files on Driver node generated during training. Default value is 'catboost_info'") self.useBestModel = Param(self, "useBestModel", "If this parameter is set, the number of trees that are saved in the resulting model is selected based on the optimal value of the evalMetric. This option requires a validation dataset to be provided.") self.weightCol = Param(self, "weightCol", "weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0") self.workerInitializationTimeout = Param(self, "workerInitializationTimeout", "Timeout to wait until CatBoost workers on Spark executors are initalized and sent their info to master. Depends on dataset size. Default is 10 minutes") self._setDefault(workerInitializationTimeout=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=600000)) self.workerMaxFailures = Param(self, "workerMaxFailures", "Number of individual CatBoost workers failures before giving up training. Should be greater than or equal to 1. Default is 4") self._setDefault(workerMaxFailures=4) if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs self.setParams(**kwargs)
[docs] @keyword_only def setParams(self, allowConstLabel=None, allowWritingFiles=None, approxOnFullHistory=None, baggingTemperature=None, bestModelMinTrees=None, bootstrapType=None, borderCount=None, connectTimeout=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=60000), customMetric=None, depth=None, diffusionTemperature=None, earlyStoppingRounds=None, evalMetric=None, featureBorderType=None, featureWeightsList=None, featureWeightsMap=None, featuresCol="features", firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList=None, firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap=None, foldLenMultiplier=None, foldPermutationBlock=None, hasTime=None, ignoredFeaturesIndices=None, ignoredFeaturesNames=None, inputBorders=None, iterations=None, l2LeafReg=None, labelCol="label", leafEstimationBacktracking=None, leafEstimationIterations=None, leafEstimationMethod=None, learningRate=None, loggingLevel=None, lossFunction=None, metricPeriod=None, modelShrinkMode=None, modelShrinkRate=None, mvsReg=None, nanMode=None, odPval=None, odType=None, odWait=None, oneHotMaxSize=None, penaltiesCoefficient=None, perFloatFeatureQuantizaton=None, perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList=None, perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap=None, predictionCol="prediction", randomSeed=None, randomStrength=None, rsm=None, samplingFrequency=None, samplingUnit=None, saveSnapshot=None, scoreFunction=None, snapshotFile=None, snapshotInterval=None, sparkPartitionCount=None, subsample=None, threadCount=None, trainDir=None, useBestModel=None, weightCol=None, workerInitializationTimeout=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=600000), workerMaxFailures=4): """ Set the (keyword only) parameters Parameters ---------- allowConstLabel : bool Use it to train models with datasets that have equal label values for all objects. allowWritingFiles : bool Allow to write analytical and snapshot files during training. Enabled by default. approxOnFullHistory : bool Use all the preceding rows in the fold for calculating the approximated values. This mode is slower and in rare cases slightly more accurate. baggingTemperature : float This parameter can be used if the selected bootstrap type is Bayesian. Possible values are in the range [0, +inf). The higher the value the more aggressive the bagging is.Default value in 1.0. bestModelMinTrees : int The minimal number of trees that the best model should have. If set, the output model contains at least the given number of trees even if the best model is located within these trees. Should be used with the useBestModel parameter. No limit by default. bootstrapType : EBootstrapType Bootstrap type. Defines the method for sampling the weights of objects.The default value depends on the selected mode and processing unit type: QueryCrossEntropy, YetiRankPairwise, PairLogitPairwise: Bernoulli with the subsample parameter set to 0.5. MultiClass and MultiClassOneVsAll: Bayesian. Other modes: MVS with the subsample parameter set to 0.8. borderCount : int The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254. connectTimeout : datetime.timedelta, default: datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=60000) Timeout to wait while establishing socket connections between TrainingDriver and workers.Default is 1 minute customMetric : list Metric values to output during training. These functions are not optimized and are displayed for informational purposes only. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). depth : int Depth of the tree.Default value is 6. diffusionTemperature : float The diffusion temperature of the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Boosting mode. Only non-negative values are supported. Default value is 10000. earlyStoppingRounds : int Sets the overfitting detector type to Iter and stops the training after the specified number of iterations since the iteration with the optimal metric value. evalMetric : str The metric used for overfitting detection (if enabled) and best model selection (if enabled). Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). featureBorderType : EBorderSelectionType The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum' featureWeightsList : list Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Array indices correspond to feature indices. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsMap. featureWeightsMap : dict Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Map is 'feature_name' -> weight. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsList. featuresCol : str, default: "features" features column name firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList : list Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap. firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap : dict Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList. foldLenMultiplier : float Coefficient for changing the length of folds. The value must be greater than 1. The best validation result is achieved with minimum values. Default value is 2.0. foldPermutationBlock : int Objects in the dataset are grouped in blocks before the random permutations. This parameter defines the size of the blocks. The smaller is the value, the slower is the training. Large values may result in quality degradation. Default value is 1. hasTime : bool Use the order of objects in the input data (do not perform random permutations during Choosing the tree structure stage). ignoredFeaturesIndices : list Feature indices to exclude from the training ignoredFeaturesNames : list Feature names to exclude from the training inputBorders : str Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them) iterations : int The maximum number of trees that can be built when solving machine learning problems. When using other parameters that limit the number of iterations, the final number of trees may be less than the number specified in this parameter. Default value is 1000. l2LeafReg : float Coefficient at the L2 regularization term of the cost function. Any positive value is allowed. Default value is 3.0. labelCol : str, default: "label" label column name leafEstimationBacktracking : ELeavesEstimationStepBacktracking When the value of the leafEstimationIterations parameter is greater than 1, CatBoost makes several gradient or newton steps when calculating the resulting leaf values of a tree. The behaviour differs depending on the value of this parameter. See documentation for details. Default value is 'AnyImprovement' leafEstimationIterations : int CatBoost might calculate leaf values using several gradient or newton steps instead of a single one. This parameter regulates how many steps are done in every tree when calculating leaf values. leafEstimationMethod : ELeavesEstimation The method used to calculate the values in leaves. See documentation for details. learningRate : float The learning rate. Used for reducing the gradient step. The default value is defined automatically for Logloss, MultiClass & RMSE loss functions depending on the number of iterations if none of 'leaf_estimation_iterations', leaf_estimation_method', 'l2_leaf_reg' is set. In this case, the selected learning rate is printed to stdout and saved in the model. In other cases, the default value is 0.03. loggingLevel : ELoggingLevel The logging level to output to stdout. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Verbose' lossFunction : str The metric to use in training. The specified value also determines the machine learning problem to solve. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). metricPeriod : int The frequency of iterations to calculate the values of objectives and metrics. The value should be a positive integer. The usage of this parameter speeds up the training. Default value is 1. modelShrinkMode : EModelShrinkMode Determines how the actual model shrinkage coefficient is calculated at each iteration. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Constant' modelShrinkRate : float The constant used to calculate the coefficient for multiplying the model on each iteration. See documentation for details. mvsReg : float Affects the weight of the denominator and can be used for balancing between the importance and Bernoulli sampling (setting it to 0 implies importance sampling and to +Inf - Bernoulli).Note: This parameter is supported only for the MVS sampling method. nanMode : ENanMode The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min' odPval : float The threshold for the IncToDec overfitting detector type. The training is stopped when the specified value is reached. Requires that a validation dataset was input. See documentation for details.Turned off by default. odType : EOverfittingDetectorType The type of the overfitting detector to use. See documentation for details. Default value is 'IncToDec' odWait : int The number of iterations to continue the training after the iteration with the optimal metric value. See documentation for details. Default value is 20. oneHotMaxSize : int Use one-hot encoding for all categorical features with a number of different values less than or equal to the given parameter value. Ctrs are not calculated for such features. penaltiesCoefficient : float A single-value common coefficient to multiply all penalties. Non-negative values are supported. Default value is 1.0. perFloatFeatureQuantizaton : list The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method] perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList : list Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap. perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap : dict Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList. predictionCol : str, default: "prediction" prediction column name randomSeed : int The random seed used for training. Default value is 0. randomStrength : float The amount of randomness to use for scoring splits when the tree structure is selected. Use this parameter to avoid overfitting the model. See documentation for details. Default value is 1.0 rsm : float Random subspace method. The percentage of features to use at each split selection, when features are selected over again at random. The value must be in the range (0;1]. Default value is 1. samplingFrequency : ESamplingFrequency Frequency to sample weights and objects when building trees. Default value is 'PerTreeLevel' samplingUnit : ESamplingUnit The sampling scheme, see documentation for details. Default value is 'Object' saveSnapshot : bool Enable snapshotting for restoring the training progress after an interruption. If enabled, the default period for making snapshots is 600 seconds. Use the snapshotInterval parameter to change this period. scoreFunction : EScoreFunction The score type used to select the next split during the tree construction. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Cosine' snapshotFile : str The name of the file to save the training progress information in. This file is used for recovering training after an interruption. snapshotInterval : datetime.timedelta The interval between saving snapshots. See documentation for details. Default value is 600 seconds. sparkPartitionCount : int The number of partitions used during training. Corresponds to the number of active parallel tasks. Set to the number of active executors by default subsample : float Sample rate for bagging. The default value depends on the dataset size and the bootstrap type, see documentation for details. threadCount : int Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client trainDir : str The directory for storing the files on Driver node generated during training. Default value is 'catboost_info' useBestModel : bool If this parameter is set, the number of trees that are saved in the resulting model is selected based on the optimal value of the evalMetric. This option requires a validation dataset to be provided. weightCol : str weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0 workerInitializationTimeout : datetime.timedelta, default: datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=600000) Timeout to wait until CatBoost workers on Spark executors are initalized and sent their info to master. Depends on dataset size. Default is 10 minutes workerMaxFailures : int, default: 4 Number of individual CatBoost workers failures before giving up training. Should be greater than or equal to 1. Default is 4 """ if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs return self._set(**kwargs)
[docs] def getAllowConstLabel(self): """ Returns ------- bool Use it to train models with datasets that have equal label values for all objects. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.allowConstLabel)
[docs] def setAllowConstLabel(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool Use it to train models with datasets that have equal label values for all objects. """ self._set(allowConstLabel=value) return self
[docs] def getAllowWritingFiles(self): """ Returns ------- bool Allow to write analytical and snapshot files during training. Enabled by default. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.allowWritingFiles)
[docs] def setAllowWritingFiles(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool Allow to write analytical and snapshot files during training. Enabled by default. """ self._set(allowWritingFiles=value) return self
[docs] def getApproxOnFullHistory(self): """ Returns ------- bool Use all the preceding rows in the fold for calculating the approximated values. This mode is slower and in rare cases slightly more accurate. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.approxOnFullHistory)
[docs] def setApproxOnFullHistory(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool Use all the preceding rows in the fold for calculating the approximated values. This mode is slower and in rare cases slightly more accurate. """ self._set(approxOnFullHistory=value) return self
[docs] def getBaggingTemperature(self): """ Returns ------- float This parameter can be used if the selected bootstrap type is Bayesian. Possible values are in the range [0, +inf). The higher the value the more aggressive the bagging is.Default value in 1.0. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.baggingTemperature)
[docs] def setBaggingTemperature(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float This parameter can be used if the selected bootstrap type is Bayesian. Possible values are in the range [0, +inf). The higher the value the more aggressive the bagging is.Default value in 1.0. """ self._set(baggingTemperature=value) return self
[docs] def getBestModelMinTrees(self): """ Returns ------- int The minimal number of trees that the best model should have. If set, the output model contains at least the given number of trees even if the best model is located within these trees. Should be used with the useBestModel parameter. No limit by default. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.bestModelMinTrees)
[docs] def setBestModelMinTrees(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The minimal number of trees that the best model should have. If set, the output model contains at least the given number of trees even if the best model is located within these trees. Should be used with the useBestModel parameter. No limit by default. """ self._set(bestModelMinTrees=value) return self
[docs] def getBootstrapType(self): """ Returns ------- EBootstrapType Bootstrap type. Defines the method for sampling the weights of objects.The default value depends on the selected mode and processing unit type: QueryCrossEntropy, YetiRankPairwise, PairLogitPairwise: Bernoulli with the subsample parameter set to 0.5. MultiClass and MultiClassOneVsAll: Bayesian. Other modes: MVS with the subsample parameter set to 0.8. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.bootstrapType)
[docs] def setBootstrapType(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : EBootstrapType Bootstrap type. Defines the method for sampling the weights of objects.The default value depends on the selected mode and processing unit type: QueryCrossEntropy, YetiRankPairwise, PairLogitPairwise: Bernoulli with the subsample parameter set to 0.5. MultiClass and MultiClassOneVsAll: Bayesian. Other modes: MVS with the subsample parameter set to 0.8. """ self._set(bootstrapType=value) return self
[docs] def getBorderCount(self): """ Returns ------- int The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.borderCount)
[docs] def setBorderCount(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254. """ self._set(borderCount=value) return self
[docs] def getConnectTimeout(self): """ Returns ------- datetime.timedelta Timeout to wait while establishing socket connections between TrainingDriver and workers.Default is 1 minute """ return self.getOrDefault(self.connectTimeout)
[docs] def setConnectTimeout(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : datetime.timedelta Timeout to wait while establishing socket connections between TrainingDriver and workers.Default is 1 minute """ self._set(connectTimeout=value) return self
[docs] def getCustomMetric(self): """ Returns ------- list Metric values to output during training. These functions are not optimized and are displayed for informational purposes only. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). """ return self.getOrDefault(self.customMetric)
[docs] def setCustomMetric(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Metric values to output during training. These functions are not optimized and are displayed for informational purposes only. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). """ self._set(customMetric=value) return self
[docs] def getDepth(self): """ Returns ------- int Depth of the tree.Default value is 6. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.depth)
[docs] def setDepth(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Depth of the tree.Default value is 6. """ self._set(depth=value) return self
[docs] def getDiffusionTemperature(self): """ Returns ------- float The diffusion temperature of the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Boosting mode. Only non-negative values are supported. Default value is 10000. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.diffusionTemperature)
[docs] def setDiffusionTemperature(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float The diffusion temperature of the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Boosting mode. Only non-negative values are supported. Default value is 10000. """ self._set(diffusionTemperature=value) return self
[docs] def getEarlyStoppingRounds(self): """ Returns ------- int Sets the overfitting detector type to Iter and stops the training after the specified number of iterations since the iteration with the optimal metric value. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.earlyStoppingRounds)
[docs] def setEarlyStoppingRounds(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Sets the overfitting detector type to Iter and stops the training after the specified number of iterations since the iteration with the optimal metric value. """ self._set(earlyStoppingRounds=value) return self
[docs] def getEvalMetric(self): """ Returns ------- str The metric used for overfitting detection (if enabled) and best model selection (if enabled). Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). """ return self.getOrDefault(self.evalMetric)
[docs] def setEvalMetric(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str The metric used for overfitting detection (if enabled) and best model selection (if enabled). Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). """ self._set(evalMetric=value) return self
[docs] def getFeatureBorderType(self): """ Returns ------- EBorderSelectionType The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.featureBorderType)
[docs] def setFeatureBorderType(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : EBorderSelectionType The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum' """ self._set(featureBorderType=value) return self
[docs] def getFeatureWeightsList(self): """ Returns ------- list Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Array indices correspond to feature indices. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsMap. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.featureWeightsList)
[docs] def setFeatureWeightsList(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Array indices correspond to feature indices. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsMap. """ self._set(featureWeightsList=value) return self
[docs] def getFeatureWeightsMap(self): """ Returns ------- dict Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Map is 'feature_name' -> weight. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsList. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.featureWeightsMap)
[docs] def setFeatureWeightsMap(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : dict Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Map is 'feature_name' -> weight. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsList. """ self._set(featureWeightsMap=value) return self
[docs] def getFeaturesCol(self): """ Returns ------- str features column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.featuresCol)
[docs] def setFeaturesCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str features column name """ self._set(featuresCol=value) return self
[docs] def getFirstFeatureUsePenaltiesList(self): """ Returns ------- list Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList)
[docs] def setFirstFeatureUsePenaltiesList(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap. """ self._set(firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList=value) return self
[docs] def getFirstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap(self): """ Returns ------- dict Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap)
[docs] def setFirstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : dict Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList. """ self._set(firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap=value) return self
[docs] def getFoldLenMultiplier(self): """ Returns ------- float Coefficient for changing the length of folds. The value must be greater than 1. The best validation result is achieved with minimum values. Default value is 2.0. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.foldLenMultiplier)
[docs] def setFoldLenMultiplier(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float Coefficient for changing the length of folds. The value must be greater than 1. The best validation result is achieved with minimum values. Default value is 2.0. """ self._set(foldLenMultiplier=value) return self
[docs] def getFoldPermutationBlock(self): """ Returns ------- int Objects in the dataset are grouped in blocks before the random permutations. This parameter defines the size of the blocks. The smaller is the value, the slower is the training. Large values may result in quality degradation. Default value is 1. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.foldPermutationBlock)
[docs] def setFoldPermutationBlock(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Objects in the dataset are grouped in blocks before the random permutations. This parameter defines the size of the blocks. The smaller is the value, the slower is the training. Large values may result in quality degradation. Default value is 1. """ self._set(foldPermutationBlock=value) return self
[docs] def getHasTime(self): """ Returns ------- bool Use the order of objects in the input data (do not perform random permutations during Choosing the tree structure stage). """ return self.getOrDefault(self.hasTime)
[docs] def setHasTime(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool Use the order of objects in the input data (do not perform random permutations during Choosing the tree structure stage). """ self._set(hasTime=value) return self
[docs] def getIgnoredFeaturesIndices(self): """ Returns ------- list Feature indices to exclude from the training """ return self.getOrDefault(self.ignoredFeaturesIndices)
[docs] def setIgnoredFeaturesIndices(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Feature indices to exclude from the training """ self._set(ignoredFeaturesIndices=value) return self
[docs] def getIgnoredFeaturesNames(self): """ Returns ------- list Feature names to exclude from the training """ return self.getOrDefault(self.ignoredFeaturesNames)
[docs] def setIgnoredFeaturesNames(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Feature names to exclude from the training """ self._set(ignoredFeaturesNames=value) return self
[docs] def getInputBorders(self): """ Returns ------- str Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them) """ return self.getOrDefault(self.inputBorders)
[docs] def setInputBorders(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them) """ self._set(inputBorders=value) return self
[docs] def getIterations(self): """ Returns ------- int The maximum number of trees that can be built when solving machine learning problems. When using other parameters that limit the number of iterations, the final number of trees may be less than the number specified in this parameter. Default value is 1000. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.iterations)
[docs] def setIterations(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The maximum number of trees that can be built when solving machine learning problems. When using other parameters that limit the number of iterations, the final number of trees may be less than the number specified in this parameter. Default value is 1000. """ self._set(iterations=value) return self
[docs] def getL2LeafReg(self): """ Returns ------- float Coefficient at the L2 regularization term of the cost function. Any positive value is allowed. Default value is 3.0. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.l2LeafReg)
[docs] def setL2LeafReg(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float Coefficient at the L2 regularization term of the cost function. Any positive value is allowed. Default value is 3.0. """ self._set(l2LeafReg=value) return self
[docs] def getLabelCol(self): """ Returns ------- str label column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.labelCol)
[docs] def setLabelCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str label column name """ self._set(labelCol=value) return self
[docs] def getLeafEstimationBacktracking(self): """ Returns ------- ELeavesEstimationStepBacktracking When the value of the leafEstimationIterations parameter is greater than 1, CatBoost makes several gradient or newton steps when calculating the resulting leaf values of a tree. The behaviour differs depending on the value of this parameter. See documentation for details. Default value is 'AnyImprovement' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.leafEstimationBacktracking)
[docs] def setLeafEstimationBacktracking(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ELeavesEstimationStepBacktracking When the value of the leafEstimationIterations parameter is greater than 1, CatBoost makes several gradient or newton steps when calculating the resulting leaf values of a tree. The behaviour differs depending on the value of this parameter. See documentation for details. Default value is 'AnyImprovement' """ self._set(leafEstimationBacktracking=value) return self
[docs] def getLeafEstimationIterations(self): """ Returns ------- int CatBoost might calculate leaf values using several gradient or newton steps instead of a single one. This parameter regulates how many steps are done in every tree when calculating leaf values. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.leafEstimationIterations)
[docs] def setLeafEstimationIterations(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int CatBoost might calculate leaf values using several gradient or newton steps instead of a single one. This parameter regulates how many steps are done in every tree when calculating leaf values. """ self._set(leafEstimationIterations=value) return self
[docs] def getLeafEstimationMethod(self): """ Returns ------- ELeavesEstimation The method used to calculate the values in leaves. See documentation for details. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.leafEstimationMethod)
[docs] def setLeafEstimationMethod(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ELeavesEstimation The method used to calculate the values in leaves. See documentation for details. """ self._set(leafEstimationMethod=value) return self
[docs] def getLearningRate(self): """ Returns ------- float The learning rate. Used for reducing the gradient step. The default value is defined automatically for Logloss, MultiClass & RMSE loss functions depending on the number of iterations if none of 'leaf_estimation_iterations', leaf_estimation_method', 'l2_leaf_reg' is set. In this case, the selected learning rate is printed to stdout and saved in the model. In other cases, the default value is 0.03. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.learningRate)
[docs] def setLearningRate(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float The learning rate. Used for reducing the gradient step. The default value is defined automatically for Logloss, MultiClass & RMSE loss functions depending on the number of iterations if none of 'leaf_estimation_iterations', leaf_estimation_method', 'l2_leaf_reg' is set. In this case, the selected learning rate is printed to stdout and saved in the model. In other cases, the default value is 0.03. """ self._set(learningRate=value) return self
[docs] def getLoggingLevel(self): """ Returns ------- ELoggingLevel The logging level to output to stdout. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Verbose' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.loggingLevel)
[docs] def setLoggingLevel(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ELoggingLevel The logging level to output to stdout. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Verbose' """ self._set(loggingLevel=value) return self
[docs] def getLossFunction(self): """ Returns ------- str The metric to use in training. The specified value also determines the machine learning problem to solve. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). """ return self.getOrDefault(self.lossFunction)
[docs] def setLossFunction(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str The metric to use in training. The specified value also determines the machine learning problem to solve. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). """ self._set(lossFunction=value) return self
[docs] def getMetricPeriod(self): """ Returns ------- int The frequency of iterations to calculate the values of objectives and metrics. The value should be a positive integer. The usage of this parameter speeds up the training. Default value is 1. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.metricPeriod)
[docs] def setMetricPeriod(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The frequency of iterations to calculate the values of objectives and metrics. The value should be a positive integer. The usage of this parameter speeds up the training. Default value is 1. """ self._set(metricPeriod=value) return self
[docs] def getModelShrinkMode(self): """ Returns ------- EModelShrinkMode Determines how the actual model shrinkage coefficient is calculated at each iteration. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Constant' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.modelShrinkMode)
[docs] def setModelShrinkMode(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : EModelShrinkMode Determines how the actual model shrinkage coefficient is calculated at each iteration. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Constant' """ self._set(modelShrinkMode=value) return self
[docs] def getModelShrinkRate(self): """ Returns ------- float The constant used to calculate the coefficient for multiplying the model on each iteration. See documentation for details. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.modelShrinkRate)
[docs] def setModelShrinkRate(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float The constant used to calculate the coefficient for multiplying the model on each iteration. See documentation for details. """ self._set(modelShrinkRate=value) return self
[docs] def getMvsReg(self): """ Returns ------- float Affects the weight of the denominator and can be used for balancing between the importance and Bernoulli sampling (setting it to 0 implies importance sampling and to +Inf - Bernoulli).Note: This parameter is supported only for the MVS sampling method. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.mvsReg)
[docs] def setMvsReg(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float Affects the weight of the denominator and can be used for balancing between the importance and Bernoulli sampling (setting it to 0 implies importance sampling and to +Inf - Bernoulli).Note: This parameter is supported only for the MVS sampling method. """ self._set(mvsReg=value) return self
[docs] def getNanMode(self): """ Returns ------- ENanMode The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.nanMode)
[docs] def setNanMode(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ENanMode The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min' """ self._set(nanMode=value) return self
[docs] def getOdPval(self): """ Returns ------- float The threshold for the IncToDec overfitting detector type. The training is stopped when the specified value is reached. Requires that a validation dataset was input. See documentation for details.Turned off by default. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.odPval)
[docs] def setOdPval(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float The threshold for the IncToDec overfitting detector type. The training is stopped when the specified value is reached. Requires that a validation dataset was input. See documentation for details.Turned off by default. """ self._set(odPval=value) return self
[docs] def getOdType(self): """ Returns ------- EOverfittingDetectorType The type of the overfitting detector to use. See documentation for details. Default value is 'IncToDec' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.odType)
[docs] def setOdType(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : EOverfittingDetectorType The type of the overfitting detector to use. See documentation for details. Default value is 'IncToDec' """ self._set(odType=value) return self
[docs] def getOdWait(self): """ Returns ------- int The number of iterations to continue the training after the iteration with the optimal metric value. See documentation for details. Default value is 20. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.odWait)
[docs] def setOdWait(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The number of iterations to continue the training after the iteration with the optimal metric value. See documentation for details. Default value is 20. """ self._set(odWait=value) return self
[docs] def getOneHotMaxSize(self): """ Returns ------- int Use one-hot encoding for all categorical features with a number of different values less than or equal to the given parameter value. Ctrs are not calculated for such features. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.oneHotMaxSize)
[docs] def setOneHotMaxSize(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Use one-hot encoding for all categorical features with a number of different values less than or equal to the given parameter value. Ctrs are not calculated for such features. """ self._set(oneHotMaxSize=value) return self
[docs] def getPenaltiesCoefficient(self): """ Returns ------- float A single-value common coefficient to multiply all penalties. Non-negative values are supported. Default value is 1.0. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.penaltiesCoefficient)
[docs] def setPenaltiesCoefficient(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float A single-value common coefficient to multiply all penalties. Non-negative values are supported. Default value is 1.0. """ self._set(penaltiesCoefficient=value) return self
[docs] def getPerFloatFeatureQuantizaton(self): """ Returns ------- list The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method] """ return self.getOrDefault(self.perFloatFeatureQuantizaton)
[docs] def setPerFloatFeatureQuantizaton(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method] """ self._set(perFloatFeatureQuantizaton=value) return self
[docs] def getPerObjectFeaturePenaltiesList(self): """ Returns ------- list Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList)
[docs] def setPerObjectFeaturePenaltiesList(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap. """ self._set(perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList=value) return self
[docs] def getPerObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap(self): """ Returns ------- dict Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap)
[docs] def setPerObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : dict Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList. """ self._set(perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap=value) return self
[docs] def getPredictionCol(self): """ Returns ------- str prediction column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.predictionCol)
[docs] def setPredictionCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str prediction column name """ self._set(predictionCol=value) return self
[docs] def getRandomSeed(self): """ Returns ------- int The random seed used for training. Default value is 0. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.randomSeed)
[docs] def setRandomSeed(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The random seed used for training. Default value is 0. """ self._set(randomSeed=value) return self
[docs] def getRandomStrength(self): """ Returns ------- float The amount of randomness to use for scoring splits when the tree structure is selected. Use this parameter to avoid overfitting the model. See documentation for details. Default value is 1.0 """ return self.getOrDefault(self.randomStrength)
[docs] def setRandomStrength(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float The amount of randomness to use for scoring splits when the tree structure is selected. Use this parameter to avoid overfitting the model. See documentation for details. Default value is 1.0 """ self._set(randomStrength=value) return self
[docs] def getRsm(self): """ Returns ------- float Random subspace method. The percentage of features to use at each split selection, when features are selected over again at random. The value must be in the range (0;1]. Default value is 1. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.rsm)
[docs] def setRsm(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float Random subspace method. The percentage of features to use at each split selection, when features are selected over again at random. The value must be in the range (0;1]. Default value is 1. """ self._set(rsm=value) return self
[docs] def getSamplingFrequency(self): """ Returns ------- ESamplingFrequency Frequency to sample weights and objects when building trees. Default value is 'PerTreeLevel' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.samplingFrequency)
[docs] def setSamplingFrequency(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ESamplingFrequency Frequency to sample weights and objects when building trees. Default value is 'PerTreeLevel' """ self._set(samplingFrequency=value) return self
[docs] def getSamplingUnit(self): """ Returns ------- ESamplingUnit The sampling scheme, see documentation for details. Default value is 'Object' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.samplingUnit)
[docs] def setSamplingUnit(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ESamplingUnit The sampling scheme, see documentation for details. Default value is 'Object' """ self._set(samplingUnit=value) return self
[docs] def getSaveSnapshot(self): """ Returns ------- bool Enable snapshotting for restoring the training progress after an interruption. If enabled, the default period for making snapshots is 600 seconds. Use the snapshotInterval parameter to change this period. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.saveSnapshot)
[docs] def setSaveSnapshot(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool Enable snapshotting for restoring the training progress after an interruption. If enabled, the default period for making snapshots is 600 seconds. Use the snapshotInterval parameter to change this period. """ self._set(saveSnapshot=value) return self
[docs] def getScoreFunction(self): """ Returns ------- EScoreFunction The score type used to select the next split during the tree construction. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Cosine' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.scoreFunction)
[docs] def setScoreFunction(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : EScoreFunction The score type used to select the next split during the tree construction. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Cosine' """ self._set(scoreFunction=value) return self
[docs] def getSnapshotFile(self): """ Returns ------- str The name of the file to save the training progress information in. This file is used for recovering training after an interruption. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.snapshotFile)
[docs] def setSnapshotFile(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str The name of the file to save the training progress information in. This file is used for recovering training after an interruption. """ self._set(snapshotFile=value) return self
[docs] def getSnapshotInterval(self): """ Returns ------- datetime.timedelta The interval between saving snapshots. See documentation for details. Default value is 600 seconds. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.snapshotInterval)
[docs] def setSnapshotInterval(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : datetime.timedelta The interval between saving snapshots. See documentation for details. Default value is 600 seconds. """ self._set(snapshotInterval=value) return self
[docs] def getSparkPartitionCount(self): """ Returns ------- int The number of partitions used during training. Corresponds to the number of active parallel tasks. Set to the number of active executors by default """ return self.getOrDefault(self.sparkPartitionCount)
[docs] def setSparkPartitionCount(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The number of partitions used during training. Corresponds to the number of active parallel tasks. Set to the number of active executors by default """ self._set(sparkPartitionCount=value) return self
[docs] def getSubsample(self): """ Returns ------- float Sample rate for bagging. The default value depends on the dataset size and the bootstrap type, see documentation for details. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.subsample)
[docs] def setSubsample(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float Sample rate for bagging. The default value depends on the dataset size and the bootstrap type, see documentation for details. """ self._set(subsample=value) return self
[docs] def getThreadCount(self): """ Returns ------- int Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client """ return self.getOrDefault(self.threadCount)
[docs] def setThreadCount(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client """ self._set(threadCount=value) return self
[docs] def getTrainDir(self): """ Returns ------- str The directory for storing the files on Driver node generated during training. Default value is 'catboost_info' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.trainDir)
[docs] def setTrainDir(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str The directory for storing the files on Driver node generated during training. Default value is 'catboost_info' """ self._set(trainDir=value) return self
[docs] def getUseBestModel(self): """ Returns ------- bool If this parameter is set, the number of trees that are saved in the resulting model is selected based on the optimal value of the evalMetric. This option requires a validation dataset to be provided. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.useBestModel)
[docs] def setUseBestModel(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool If this parameter is set, the number of trees that are saved in the resulting model is selected based on the optimal value of the evalMetric. This option requires a validation dataset to be provided. """ self._set(useBestModel=value) return self
[docs] def getWeightCol(self): """ Returns ------- str weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0 """ return self.getOrDefault(self.weightCol)
[docs] def setWeightCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0 """ self._set(weightCol=value) return self
[docs] def getWorkerInitializationTimeout(self): """ Returns ------- datetime.timedelta Timeout to wait until CatBoost workers on Spark executors are initalized and sent their info to master. Depends on dataset size. Default is 10 minutes """ return self.getOrDefault(self.workerInitializationTimeout)
[docs] def setWorkerInitializationTimeout(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : datetime.timedelta Timeout to wait until CatBoost workers on Spark executors are initalized and sent their info to master. Depends on dataset size. Default is 10 minutes """ self._set(workerInitializationTimeout=value) return self
[docs] def getWorkerMaxFailures(self): """ Returns ------- int Number of individual CatBoost workers failures before giving up training. Should be greater than or equal to 1. Default is 4 """ return self.getOrDefault(self.workerMaxFailures)
[docs] def setWorkerMaxFailures(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Number of individual CatBoost workers failures before giving up training. Should be greater than or equal to 1. Default is 4 """ self._set(workerMaxFailures=value) return self
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls): """Returns an MLReader instance for this class.""" return CatBoostMLReader(cls)
def _create_model(self, java_model): return CatBoostRegressionModel(java_model)
[docs] def fit(self, trainDataset, evalDatasets=None): """ Extended variant of standard Estimator's fit method that accepts CatBoost's Pool s and allows to specify additional datasets for computing evaluation metrics and overfitting detection similarily to CatBoost's other APIs. Parameters ---------- trainDataset : Pool or DataFrame The input training dataset. evalDatasets : Pools, optional The validation datasets used for the following processes: - overfitting detector - best iteration selection - monitoring metrics' changes Returns ------- trained model: CatBoostRegressionModel """ if (isinstance(trainDataset, DataFrame)): if evalDatasets is not None: raise RuntimeError("if trainDataset has type DataFrame no evalDatasets are supported") return, trainDataset) else: sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context evalDatasetCount = 0 if (evalDatasets is None) else len(evalDatasets) # need to create it because default mapping for python list is ArrayList, not Array evalDatasetsAsJavaObject = sc._gateway.new_array(, evalDatasetCount) for i in range(evalDatasetCount): evalDatasetsAsJavaObject[i] = _py2java(sc, evalDatasets[i]) self._transfer_params_to_java() java_model =, trainDataset), evalDatasetsAsJavaObject) return CatBoostRegressionModel(java_model)
[docs]@inherit_doc class CatBoostRegressionModel(JavaRegressionModel, MLReadable, JavaMLWritable): """ Regression model trained by CatBoost. Use CatBoostRegressor to train it """ def __init__(self, java_model): super(CatBoostRegressionModel, self).__init__(java_model) self.featuresCol = Param(self, "featuresCol", "features column name") self._setDefault(featuresCol="features") self.labelCol = Param(self, "labelCol", "label column name") self._setDefault(labelCol="label") self.predictionCol = Param(self, "predictionCol", "prediction column name") self._setDefault(predictionCol="prediction") self._transfer_params_from_java()
[docs] @keyword_only def setParams(self, featuresCol="features", labelCol="label", predictionCol="prediction"): """ Set the (keyword only) parameters Parameters ---------- featuresCol : str, default: "features" features column name labelCol : str, default: "label" label column name predictionCol : str, default: "prediction" prediction column name """ if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs return self._set(**kwargs)
[docs] def getFeaturesCol(self): """ Returns ------- str features column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.featuresCol)
[docs] def setFeaturesCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str features column name """ self._set(featuresCol=value) return self
[docs] def getLabelCol(self): """ Returns ------- str label column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.labelCol)
[docs] def setLabelCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str label column name """ self._set(labelCol=value) return self
[docs] def getPredictionCol(self): """ Returns ------- str prediction column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.predictionCol)
[docs] def setPredictionCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str prediction column name """ self._set(predictionCol=value) return self
@staticmethod def _from_java(java_model): return CatBoostRegressionModel(java_model)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls): """Returns an MLReader instance for this class.""" return CatBoostMLReader(cls)
[docs] def saveNativeModel(self, fileName, format=EModelType.CatboostBinary, exportParameters=None, pool=None): """ Save the model to a local file. See for detailed parameters description """ return self._call_java("saveNativeModel", fileName, format, exportParameters, pool)
[docs] @staticmethod def loadNativeModel(fileName, format=EModelType.CatboostBinary): """ Load the model from a local file. See for detailed parameters description """ sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context java_model =, _py2java(sc, format)) return CatBoostRegressionModel(java_model)
[docs] def transformPool(self, pool): """ This function is useful when the dataset has been already quantized but works with any Pool """ return self._call_java("transformPool", pool)
[docs] def getFeatureImportance(self, fstrType=EFstrType.FeatureImportance, data=None, calcType=ECalcTypeShapValues.Regular ): """ Parameters ---------- fstrType : EFstrType Supported values are FeatureImportance, PredictionValuesChange, LossFunctionChange, PredictionDiff data : Pool if fstrType is PredictionDiff it is required and must contain 2 samples if fstrType is PredictionValuesChange this param is required in case if model was explicitly trained with flag to store no leaf weights. otherwise it can be null calcType : ECalcTypeShapValues Used only for PredictionValuesChange. Possible values: - Regular Calculate regular SHAP values - Approximate Calculate approximate SHAP values - Exact Calculate exact SHAP values Returns ------- list of float array of feature importances (index corresponds to the order of features in the model) """ return self._call_java("getFeatureImportance", fstrType, data, calcType)
[docs] def getFeatureImportancePrettified(self, fstrType=EFstrType.FeatureImportance, data=None, calcType=ECalcTypeShapValues.Regular ): """ Parameters ---------- fstrType : EFstrType Supported values are FeatureImportance, PredictionValuesChange, LossFunctionChange, PredictionDiff data : Pool if fstrType is PredictionDiff it is required and must contain 2 samples if fstrType is PredictionValuesChange this param is required in case if model was explicitly trained with flag to store no leaf weights. otherwise it can be null calcType : ECalcTypeShapValues Used only for PredictionValuesChange. Possible values: - Regular Calculate regular SHAP values - Approximate Calculate approximate SHAP values - Exact Calculate exact SHAP values Returns ------- list of FeatureImportance array of feature importances sorted in descending order by importance """ return self._call_java("getFeatureImportancePrettified", fstrType, data, calcType)
[docs] def getFeatureImportanceShapValues(self, data, preCalcMode=EPreCalcShapValues.Auto, calcType=ECalcTypeShapValues.Regular, modelOutputType=EExplainableModelOutput.Raw, referenceData=None, outputColumns=None ): """ Parameters ---------- data : Pool dataset to calculate SHAP values for preCalcMode : EPreCalcShapValues Possible values: - Auto Use direct SHAP Values calculation only if data size is smaller than average leaves number (the best of two strategies below is chosen). - UsePreCalc Calculate SHAP Values for every leaf in preprocessing. Final complexity is O(NT(D+F))+O(TL^2 D^2) where N is the number of documents(objects), T - number of trees, D - average tree depth, F - average number of features in tree, L - average number of leaves in tree This is much faster (because of a smaller constant) than direct calculation when N >> L - NoPreCalc Use direct SHAP Values calculation calculation with complexity O(NTLD^2). Direct algorithm is faster when N < L (algorithm from calcType : ECalcTypeShapValues Possible values: - Regular Calculate regular SHAP values - Approximate Calculate approximate SHAP values - Exact Calculate exact SHAP values referenceData : Pool reference data for Independent Tree SHAP values from if referenceData is not null, then Independent Tree SHAP values are calculated outputColumns : list of str columns from data to add to output DataFrame, if None - add all columns Returns ------- DataFrame - for regression and binclass models: contains outputColumns and "shapValues" column with Vector of length (n_features + 1) with SHAP values - for multiclass models: contains outputColumns and "shapValues" column with Matrix of shape (n_classes x (n_features + 1)) with SHAP values """ return self._call_java( "getFeatureImportanceShapValues", data, preCalcMode, calcType, modelOutputType, referenceData, outputColumns )
[docs] def getFeatureImportanceShapInteractionValues(self, data, featureIndices=None, featureNames=None, preCalcMode=EPreCalcShapValues.Auto, calcType=ECalcTypeShapValues.Regular, outputColumns=None): """ SHAP interaction values are calculated for all features pairs if nor featureIndices nor featureNames are specified. Parameters ---------- data : Pool dataset to calculate SHAP interaction values featureIndices : (int, int), optional pair of features indices to calculate SHAP interaction values for. featureNames : (str, str), optional pair of features names to calculate SHAP interaction values for. preCalcMode : EPreCalcShapValues Possible values: - Auto Use direct SHAP Values calculation only if data size is smaller than average leaves number (the best of two strategies below is chosen). - UsePreCalc Calculate SHAP Values for every leaf in preprocessing. Final complexity is O(NT(D+F))+O(TL^2 D^2) where N is the number of documents(objects), T - number of trees, D - average tree depth, F - average number of features in tree, L - average number of leaves in tree This is much faster (because of a smaller constant) than direct calculation when N >> L - NoPreCalc Use direct SHAP Values calculation calculation with complexity O(NTLD^2). Direct algorithm is faster when N < L (algorithm from calcType : ECalcTypeShapValues Possible values: - Regular Calculate regular SHAP values - Approximate Calculate approximate SHAP values - Exact Calculate exact SHAP values outputColumns : list of str columns from data to add to output DataFrame, if None - add all columns Returns ------- DataFrame - for regression and binclass models: contains outputColumns and "featureIdx1", "featureIdx2", "shapInteractionValue" columns - for multiclass models: contains outputColumns and "classIdx", "featureIdx1", "featureIdx2", "shapInteractionValue" columns """ return self._call_java( "getFeatureImportanceShapInteractionValues", data, featureIndices, featureNames, preCalcMode, calcType, outputColumns )
[docs] def getFeatureImportanceInteraction(self): """ Returns ------- list of FeatureInteractionScore """ return self._call_java("getFeatureImportanceInteraction")
[docs]@inherit_doc class CatBoostClassifier(JavaEstimator, MLReadable, JavaMLWritable): """ Class to train CatBoostClassificationModel Init Parameters --------------- allowConstLabel : bool Use it to train models with datasets that have equal label values for all objects. allowWritingFiles : bool Allow to write analytical and snapshot files during training. Enabled by default. approxOnFullHistory : bool Use all the preceding rows in the fold for calculating the approximated values. This mode is slower and in rare cases slightly more accurate. autoClassWeights : EAutoClassWeightsType Automatically calculate class weights based either on the total weight or the total number of objects in each class. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. Default value is 'None' baggingTemperature : float This parameter can be used if the selected bootstrap type is Bayesian. Possible values are in the range [0, +inf). The higher the value the more aggressive the bagging is.Default value in 1.0. bestModelMinTrees : int The minimal number of trees that the best model should have. If set, the output model contains at least the given number of trees even if the best model is located within these trees. Should be used with the useBestModel parameter. No limit by default. bootstrapType : EBootstrapType Bootstrap type. Defines the method for sampling the weights of objects.The default value depends on the selected mode and processing unit type: QueryCrossEntropy, YetiRankPairwise, PairLogitPairwise: Bernoulli with the subsample parameter set to 0.5. MultiClass and MultiClassOneVsAll: Bayesian. Other modes: MVS with the subsample parameter set to 0.8. borderCount : int The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254. classNames : list Allows to redefine the default values (consecutive integers). classWeightsList : list List of weights for each class. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. This parameter is mutually exclusive with classWeightsMap. classWeightsMap : dict Map from class name to weight. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. This parameter is mutually exclusive with classWeightsList. classesCount : int The upper limit for the numeric class label. Defines the number of classes for multiclassification. See documentation for details. connectTimeout : datetime.timedelta, default: datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=60000) Timeout to wait while establishing socket connections between TrainingDriver and workers.Default is 1 minute customMetric : list Metric values to output during training. These functions are not optimized and are displayed for informational purposes only. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). depth : int Depth of the tree.Default value is 6. diffusionTemperature : float The diffusion temperature of the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Boosting mode. Only non-negative values are supported. Default value is 10000. earlyStoppingRounds : int Sets the overfitting detector type to Iter and stops the training after the specified number of iterations since the iteration with the optimal metric value. evalMetric : str The metric used for overfitting detection (if enabled) and best model selection (if enabled). Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). featureBorderType : EBorderSelectionType The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum' featureWeightsList : list Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Array indices correspond to feature indices. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsMap. featureWeightsMap : dict Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Map is 'feature_name' -> weight. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsList. featuresCol : str, default: "features" features column name firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList : list Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap. firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap : dict Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList. foldLenMultiplier : float Coefficient for changing the length of folds. The value must be greater than 1. The best validation result is achieved with minimum values. Default value is 2.0. foldPermutationBlock : int Objects in the dataset are grouped in blocks before the random permutations. This parameter defines the size of the blocks. The smaller is the value, the slower is the training. Large values may result in quality degradation. Default value is 1. hasTime : bool Use the order of objects in the input data (do not perform random permutations during Choosing the tree structure stage). ignoredFeaturesIndices : list Feature indices to exclude from the training ignoredFeaturesNames : list Feature names to exclude from the training inputBorders : str Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them) iterations : int The maximum number of trees that can be built when solving machine learning problems. When using other parameters that limit the number of iterations, the final number of trees may be less than the number specified in this parameter. Default value is 1000. l2LeafReg : float Coefficient at the L2 regularization term of the cost function. Any positive value is allowed. Default value is 3.0. labelCol : str, default: "label" label column name leafEstimationBacktracking : ELeavesEstimationStepBacktracking When the value of the leafEstimationIterations parameter is greater than 1, CatBoost makes several gradient or newton steps when calculating the resulting leaf values of a tree. The behaviour differs depending on the value of this parameter. See documentation for details. Default value is 'AnyImprovement' leafEstimationIterations : int CatBoost might calculate leaf values using several gradient or newton steps instead of a single one. This parameter regulates how many steps are done in every tree when calculating leaf values. leafEstimationMethod : ELeavesEstimation The method used to calculate the values in leaves. See documentation for details. learningRate : float The learning rate. Used for reducing the gradient step. The default value is defined automatically for Logloss, MultiClass & RMSE loss functions depending on the number of iterations if none of 'leaf_estimation_iterations', leaf_estimation_method', 'l2_leaf_reg' is set. In this case, the selected learning rate is printed to stdout and saved in the model. In other cases, the default value is 0.03. loggingLevel : ELoggingLevel The logging level to output to stdout. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Verbose' lossFunction : str The metric to use in training. The specified value also determines the machine learning problem to solve. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). metricPeriod : int The frequency of iterations to calculate the values of objectives and metrics. The value should be a positive integer. The usage of this parameter speeds up the training. Default value is 1. modelShrinkMode : EModelShrinkMode Determines how the actual model shrinkage coefficient is calculated at each iteration. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Constant' modelShrinkRate : float The constant used to calculate the coefficient for multiplying the model on each iteration. See documentation for details. mvsReg : float Affects the weight of the denominator and can be used for balancing between the importance and Bernoulli sampling (setting it to 0 implies importance sampling and to +Inf - Bernoulli).Note: This parameter is supported only for the MVS sampling method. nanMode : ENanMode The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min' odPval : float The threshold for the IncToDec overfitting detector type. The training is stopped when the specified value is reached. Requires that a validation dataset was input. See documentation for details.Turned off by default. odType : EOverfittingDetectorType The type of the overfitting detector to use. See documentation for details. Default value is 'IncToDec' odWait : int The number of iterations to continue the training after the iteration with the optimal metric value. See documentation for details. Default value is 20. oneHotMaxSize : int Use one-hot encoding for all categorical features with a number of different values less than or equal to the given parameter value. Ctrs are not calculated for such features. penaltiesCoefficient : float A single-value common coefficient to multiply all penalties. Non-negative values are supported. Default value is 1.0. perFloatFeatureQuantizaton : list The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method] perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList : list Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap. perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap : dict Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList. predictionCol : str, default: "prediction" prediction column name probabilityCol : str, default: "probability" Column name for predicted class conditional probabilities. Note: Not all models output well-calibrated probability estimates! These probabilities should be treated as confidences, not precise probabilities randomSeed : int The random seed used for training. Default value is 0. randomStrength : float The amount of randomness to use for scoring splits when the tree structure is selected. Use this parameter to avoid overfitting the model. See documentation for details. Default value is 1.0 rawPredictionCol : str, default: "rawPrediction" raw prediction (a.k.a. confidence) column name rsm : float Random subspace method. The percentage of features to use at each split selection, when features are selected over again at random. The value must be in the range (0;1]. Default value is 1. samplingFrequency : ESamplingFrequency Frequency to sample weights and objects when building trees. Default value is 'PerTreeLevel' samplingUnit : ESamplingUnit The sampling scheme, see documentation for details. Default value is 'Object' saveSnapshot : bool Enable snapshotting for restoring the training progress after an interruption. If enabled, the default period for making snapshots is 600 seconds. Use the snapshotInterval parameter to change this period. scalePosWeight : float The weight for class 1 in binary classification. The value is used as a multiplier for the weights of objects from class 1. Default value is 1 (both classes have equal weight). scoreFunction : EScoreFunction The score type used to select the next split during the tree construction. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Cosine' snapshotFile : str The name of the file to save the training progress information in. This file is used for recovering training after an interruption. snapshotInterval : datetime.timedelta The interval between saving snapshots. See documentation for details. Default value is 600 seconds. sparkPartitionCount : int The number of partitions used during training. Corresponds to the number of active parallel tasks. Set to the number of active executors by default subsample : float Sample rate for bagging. The default value depends on the dataset size and the bootstrap type, see documentation for details. targetBorder : float If set, defines the border for converting target values to 0 and 1 classes. threadCount : int Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client thresholds : list Thresholds in multi-class classification to adjust the probability of predicting each class. Array must have length equal to the number of classes, with values > 0 excepting that at most one value may be 0. The class with largest value p/t is predicted, where p is the original probability of that class and t is the class's threshold trainDir : str The directory for storing the files on Driver node generated during training. Default value is 'catboost_info' useBestModel : bool If this parameter is set, the number of trees that are saved in the resulting model is selected based on the optimal value of the evalMetric. This option requires a validation dataset to be provided. weightCol : str weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0 workerInitializationTimeout : datetime.timedelta, default: datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=600000) Timeout to wait until CatBoost workers on Spark executors are initalized and sent their info to master. Depends on dataset size. Default is 10 minutes workerMaxFailures : int, default: 4 Number of individual CatBoost workers failures before giving up training. Should be greater than or equal to 1. Default is 4 """ @keyword_only def __init__(self, allowConstLabel=None, allowWritingFiles=None, approxOnFullHistory=None, autoClassWeights=None, baggingTemperature=None, bestModelMinTrees=None, bootstrapType=None, borderCount=None, classNames=None, classWeightsList=None, classWeightsMap=None, classesCount=None, connectTimeout=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=60000), customMetric=None, depth=None, diffusionTemperature=None, earlyStoppingRounds=None, evalMetric=None, featureBorderType=None, featureWeightsList=None, featureWeightsMap=None, featuresCol="features", firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList=None, firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap=None, foldLenMultiplier=None, foldPermutationBlock=None, hasTime=None, ignoredFeaturesIndices=None, ignoredFeaturesNames=None, inputBorders=None, iterations=None, l2LeafReg=None, labelCol="label", leafEstimationBacktracking=None, leafEstimationIterations=None, leafEstimationMethod=None, learningRate=None, loggingLevel=None, lossFunction=None, metricPeriod=None, modelShrinkMode=None, modelShrinkRate=None, mvsReg=None, nanMode=None, odPval=None, odType=None, odWait=None, oneHotMaxSize=None, penaltiesCoefficient=None, perFloatFeatureQuantizaton=None, perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList=None, perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap=None, predictionCol="prediction", probabilityCol="probability", randomSeed=None, randomStrength=None, rawPredictionCol="rawPrediction", rsm=None, samplingFrequency=None, samplingUnit=None, saveSnapshot=None, scalePosWeight=None, scoreFunction=None, snapshotFile=None, snapshotInterval=None, sparkPartitionCount=None, subsample=None, targetBorder=None, threadCount=None, thresholds=None, trainDir=None, useBestModel=None, weightCol=None, workerInitializationTimeout=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=600000), workerMaxFailures=4): super(CatBoostClassifier, self).__init__() self._java_obj = self._new_java_obj("ai.catboost.spark.CatBoostClassifier") self.allowConstLabel = Param(self, "allowConstLabel", "Use it to train models with datasets that have equal label values for all objects.") self.allowWritingFiles = Param(self, "allowWritingFiles", "Allow to write analytical and snapshot files during training. Enabled by default.") self.approxOnFullHistory = Param(self, "approxOnFullHistory", "Use all the preceding rows in the fold for calculating the approximated values. This mode is slower and in rare cases slightly more accurate.") self.autoClassWeights = Param(self, "autoClassWeights", "Automatically calculate class weights based either on the total weight or the total number of objects in each class. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. Default value is 'None'") self.baggingTemperature = Param(self, "baggingTemperature", "This parameter can be used if the selected bootstrap type is Bayesian. Possible values are in the range [0, +inf). The higher the value the more aggressive the bagging is.Default value in 1.0.") self.bestModelMinTrees = Param(self, "bestModelMinTrees", "The minimal number of trees that the best model should have. If set, the output model contains at least the given number of trees even if the best model is located within these trees. Should be used with the useBestModel parameter. No limit by default.") self.bootstrapType = Param(self, "bootstrapType", "Bootstrap type. Defines the method for sampling the weights of objects.The default value depends on the selected mode and processing unit type: QueryCrossEntropy, YetiRankPairwise, PairLogitPairwise: Bernoulli with the subsample parameter set to 0.5. MultiClass and MultiClassOneVsAll: Bayesian. Other modes: MVS with the subsample parameter set to 0.8.") self.borderCount = Param(self, "borderCount", "The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254.") self.classNames = Param(self, "classNames", "Allows to redefine the default values (consecutive integers).") self.classWeightsList = Param(self, "classWeightsList", "List of weights for each class. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. This parameter is mutually exclusive with classWeightsMap.") self.classWeightsMap = Param(self, "classWeightsMap", "Map from class name to weight. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. This parameter is mutually exclusive with classWeightsList.") self.classesCount = Param(self, "classesCount", "The upper limit for the numeric class label. Defines the number of classes for multiclassification. See documentation for details.") self.connectTimeout = Param(self, "connectTimeout", "Timeout to wait while establishing socket connections between TrainingDriver and workers.Default is 1 minute") self._setDefault(connectTimeout=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=60000)) self.customMetric = Param(self, "customMetric", "Metric values to output during training. These functions are not optimized and are displayed for informational purposes only. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric).") self.depth = Param(self, "depth", "Depth of the tree.Default value is 6.") self.diffusionTemperature = Param(self, "diffusionTemperature", "The diffusion temperature of the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Boosting mode. Only non-negative values are supported. Default value is 10000.") self.earlyStoppingRounds = Param(self, "earlyStoppingRounds", "Sets the overfitting detector type to Iter and stops the training after the specified number of iterations since the iteration with the optimal metric value.") self.evalMetric = Param(self, "evalMetric", "The metric used for overfitting detection (if enabled) and best model selection (if enabled). Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric).") self.featureBorderType = Param(self, "featureBorderType", "The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum'") self.featureWeightsList = Param(self, "featureWeightsList", "Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Array indices correspond to feature indices. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsMap.") self.featureWeightsMap = Param(self, "featureWeightsMap", "Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Map is 'feature_name' -> weight. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsList.") self.featuresCol = Param(self, "featuresCol", "features column name") self._setDefault(featuresCol="features") self.firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList = Param(self, "firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList", "Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap.") self.firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap = Param(self, "firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap", "Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList.") self.foldLenMultiplier = Param(self, "foldLenMultiplier", "Coefficient for changing the length of folds. The value must be greater than 1. The best validation result is achieved with minimum values. Default value is 2.0.") self.foldPermutationBlock = Param(self, "foldPermutationBlock", "Objects in the dataset are grouped in blocks before the random permutations. This parameter defines the size of the blocks. The smaller is the value, the slower is the training. Large values may result in quality degradation. Default value is 1.") self.hasTime = Param(self, "hasTime", "Use the order of objects in the input data (do not perform random permutations during Choosing the tree structure stage).") self.ignoredFeaturesIndices = Param(self, "ignoredFeaturesIndices", "Feature indices to exclude from the training") self.ignoredFeaturesNames = Param(self, "ignoredFeaturesNames", "Feature names to exclude from the training") self.inputBorders = Param(self, "inputBorders", "Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them)") self.iterations = Param(self, "iterations", "The maximum number of trees that can be built when solving machine learning problems. When using other parameters that limit the number of iterations, the final number of trees may be less than the number specified in this parameter. Default value is 1000.") self.l2LeafReg = Param(self, "l2LeafReg", "Coefficient at the L2 regularization term of the cost function. Any positive value is allowed. Default value is 3.0.") self.labelCol = Param(self, "labelCol", "label column name") self._setDefault(labelCol="label") self.leafEstimationBacktracking = Param(self, "leafEstimationBacktracking", "When the value of the leafEstimationIterations parameter is greater than 1, CatBoost makes several gradient or newton steps when calculating the resulting leaf values of a tree. The behaviour differs depending on the value of this parameter. See documentation for details. Default value is 'AnyImprovement'") self.leafEstimationIterations = Param(self, "leafEstimationIterations", "CatBoost might calculate leaf values using several gradient or newton steps instead of a single one. This parameter regulates how many steps are done in every tree when calculating leaf values.") self.leafEstimationMethod = Param(self, "leafEstimationMethod", "The method used to calculate the values in leaves. See documentation for details.") self.learningRate = Param(self, "learningRate", "The learning rate. Used for reducing the gradient step. The default value is defined automatically for Logloss, MultiClass & RMSE loss functions depending on the number of iterations if none of 'leaf_estimation_iterations', leaf_estimation_method', 'l2_leaf_reg' is set. In this case, the selected learning rate is printed to stdout and saved in the model. In other cases, the default value is 0.03.") self.loggingLevel = Param(self, "loggingLevel", "The logging level to output to stdout. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Verbose'") self.lossFunction = Param(self, "lossFunction", "The metric to use in training. The specified value also determines the machine learning problem to solve. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric).") self.metricPeriod = Param(self, "metricPeriod", "The frequency of iterations to calculate the values of objectives and metrics. The value should be a positive integer. The usage of this parameter speeds up the training. Default value is 1.") self.modelShrinkMode = Param(self, "modelShrinkMode", "Determines how the actual model shrinkage coefficient is calculated at each iteration. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Constant'") self.modelShrinkRate = Param(self, "modelShrinkRate", "The constant used to calculate the coefficient for multiplying the model on each iteration. See documentation for details.") self.mvsReg = Param(self, "mvsReg", "Affects the weight of the denominator and can be used for balancing between the importance and Bernoulli sampling (setting it to 0 implies importance sampling and to +Inf - Bernoulli).Note: This parameter is supported only for the MVS sampling method.") self.nanMode = Param(self, "nanMode", "The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min'") self.odPval = Param(self, "odPval", "The threshold for the IncToDec overfitting detector type. The training is stopped when the specified value is reached. Requires that a validation dataset was input. See documentation for details.Turned off by default.") self.odType = Param(self, "odType", "The type of the overfitting detector to use. See documentation for details. Default value is 'IncToDec'") self.odWait = Param(self, "odWait", "The number of iterations to continue the training after the iteration with the optimal metric value. See documentation for details. Default value is 20.") self.oneHotMaxSize = Param(self, "oneHotMaxSize", "Use one-hot encoding for all categorical features with a number of different values less than or equal to the given parameter value. Ctrs are not calculated for such features.") self.penaltiesCoefficient = Param(self, "penaltiesCoefficient", "A single-value common coefficient to multiply all penalties. Non-negative values are supported. Default value is 1.0.") self.perFloatFeatureQuantizaton = Param(self, "perFloatFeatureQuantizaton", "The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method]") self.perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList = Param(self, "perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList", "Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap.") self.perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap = Param(self, "perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap", "Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList.") self.predictionCol = Param(self, "predictionCol", "prediction column name") self._setDefault(predictionCol="prediction") self.probabilityCol = Param(self, "probabilityCol", "Column name for predicted class conditional probabilities. Note: Not all models output well-calibrated probability estimates! These probabilities should be treated as confidences, not precise probabilities") self._setDefault(probabilityCol="probability") self.randomSeed = Param(self, "randomSeed", "The random seed used for training. Default value is 0.") self.randomStrength = Param(self, "randomStrength", "The amount of randomness to use for scoring splits when the tree structure is selected. Use this parameter to avoid overfitting the model. See documentation for details. Default value is 1.0") self.rawPredictionCol = Param(self, "rawPredictionCol", "raw prediction (a.k.a. confidence) column name") self._setDefault(rawPredictionCol="rawPrediction") self.rsm = Param(self, "rsm", "Random subspace method. The percentage of features to use at each split selection, when features are selected over again at random. The value must be in the range (0;1]. Default value is 1.") self.samplingFrequency = Param(self, "samplingFrequency", "Frequency to sample weights and objects when building trees. Default value is 'PerTreeLevel'") self.samplingUnit = Param(self, "samplingUnit", "The sampling scheme, see documentation for details. Default value is 'Object'") self.saveSnapshot = Param(self, "saveSnapshot", "Enable snapshotting for restoring the training progress after an interruption. If enabled, the default period for making snapshots is 600 seconds. Use the snapshotInterval parameter to change this period.") self.scalePosWeight = Param(self, "scalePosWeight", "The weight for class 1 in binary classification. The value is used as a multiplier for the weights of objects from class 1. Default value is 1 (both classes have equal weight).") self.scoreFunction = Param(self, "scoreFunction", "The score type used to select the next split during the tree construction. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Cosine'") self.snapshotFile = Param(self, "snapshotFile", "The name of the file to save the training progress information in. This file is used for recovering training after an interruption.") self.snapshotInterval = Param(self, "snapshotInterval", "The interval between saving snapshots. See documentation for details. Default value is 600 seconds.") self.sparkPartitionCount = Param(self, "sparkPartitionCount", "The number of partitions used during training. Corresponds to the number of active parallel tasks. Set to the number of active executors by default") self.subsample = Param(self, "subsample", "Sample rate for bagging. The default value depends on the dataset size and the bootstrap type, see documentation for details.") self.targetBorder = Param(self, "targetBorder", "If set, defines the border for converting target values to 0 and 1 classes.") self.threadCount = Param(self, "threadCount", "Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client") self.thresholds = Param(self, "thresholds", "Thresholds in multi-class classification to adjust the probability of predicting each class. Array must have length equal to the number of classes, with values > 0 excepting that at most one value may be 0. The class with largest value p/t is predicted, where p is the original probability of that class and t is the class's threshold") self.trainDir = Param(self, "trainDir", "The directory for storing the files on Driver node generated during training. Default value is 'catboost_info'") self.useBestModel = Param(self, "useBestModel", "If this parameter is set, the number of trees that are saved in the resulting model is selected based on the optimal value of the evalMetric. This option requires a validation dataset to be provided.") self.weightCol = Param(self, "weightCol", "weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0") self.workerInitializationTimeout = Param(self, "workerInitializationTimeout", "Timeout to wait until CatBoost workers on Spark executors are initalized and sent their info to master. Depends on dataset size. Default is 10 minutes") self._setDefault(workerInitializationTimeout=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=600000)) self.workerMaxFailures = Param(self, "workerMaxFailures", "Number of individual CatBoost workers failures before giving up training. Should be greater than or equal to 1. Default is 4") self._setDefault(workerMaxFailures=4) if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs self.setParams(**kwargs)
[docs] @keyword_only def setParams(self, allowConstLabel=None, allowWritingFiles=None, approxOnFullHistory=None, autoClassWeights=None, baggingTemperature=None, bestModelMinTrees=None, bootstrapType=None, borderCount=None, classNames=None, classWeightsList=None, classWeightsMap=None, classesCount=None, connectTimeout=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=60000), customMetric=None, depth=None, diffusionTemperature=None, earlyStoppingRounds=None, evalMetric=None, featureBorderType=None, featureWeightsList=None, featureWeightsMap=None, featuresCol="features", firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList=None, firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap=None, foldLenMultiplier=None, foldPermutationBlock=None, hasTime=None, ignoredFeaturesIndices=None, ignoredFeaturesNames=None, inputBorders=None, iterations=None, l2LeafReg=None, labelCol="label", leafEstimationBacktracking=None, leafEstimationIterations=None, leafEstimationMethod=None, learningRate=None, loggingLevel=None, lossFunction=None, metricPeriod=None, modelShrinkMode=None, modelShrinkRate=None, mvsReg=None, nanMode=None, odPval=None, odType=None, odWait=None, oneHotMaxSize=None, penaltiesCoefficient=None, perFloatFeatureQuantizaton=None, perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList=None, perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap=None, predictionCol="prediction", probabilityCol="probability", randomSeed=None, randomStrength=None, rawPredictionCol="rawPrediction", rsm=None, samplingFrequency=None, samplingUnit=None, saveSnapshot=None, scalePosWeight=None, scoreFunction=None, snapshotFile=None, snapshotInterval=None, sparkPartitionCount=None, subsample=None, targetBorder=None, threadCount=None, thresholds=None, trainDir=None, useBestModel=None, weightCol=None, workerInitializationTimeout=datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=600000), workerMaxFailures=4): """ Set the (keyword only) parameters Parameters ---------- allowConstLabel : bool Use it to train models with datasets that have equal label values for all objects. allowWritingFiles : bool Allow to write analytical and snapshot files during training. Enabled by default. approxOnFullHistory : bool Use all the preceding rows in the fold for calculating the approximated values. This mode is slower and in rare cases slightly more accurate. autoClassWeights : EAutoClassWeightsType Automatically calculate class weights based either on the total weight or the total number of objects in each class. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. Default value is 'None' baggingTemperature : float This parameter can be used if the selected bootstrap type is Bayesian. Possible values are in the range [0, +inf). The higher the value the more aggressive the bagging is.Default value in 1.0. bestModelMinTrees : int The minimal number of trees that the best model should have. If set, the output model contains at least the given number of trees even if the best model is located within these trees. Should be used with the useBestModel parameter. No limit by default. bootstrapType : EBootstrapType Bootstrap type. Defines the method for sampling the weights of objects.The default value depends on the selected mode and processing unit type: QueryCrossEntropy, YetiRankPairwise, PairLogitPairwise: Bernoulli with the subsample parameter set to 0.5. MultiClass and MultiClassOneVsAll: Bayesian. Other modes: MVS with the subsample parameter set to 0.8. borderCount : int The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254. classNames : list Allows to redefine the default values (consecutive integers). classWeightsList : list List of weights for each class. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. This parameter is mutually exclusive with classWeightsMap. classWeightsMap : dict Map from class name to weight. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. This parameter is mutually exclusive with classWeightsList. classesCount : int The upper limit for the numeric class label. Defines the number of classes for multiclassification. See documentation for details. connectTimeout : datetime.timedelta, default: datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=60000) Timeout to wait while establishing socket connections between TrainingDriver and workers.Default is 1 minute customMetric : list Metric values to output during training. These functions are not optimized and are displayed for informational purposes only. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). depth : int Depth of the tree.Default value is 6. diffusionTemperature : float The diffusion temperature of the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Boosting mode. Only non-negative values are supported. Default value is 10000. earlyStoppingRounds : int Sets the overfitting detector type to Iter and stops the training after the specified number of iterations since the iteration with the optimal metric value. evalMetric : str The metric used for overfitting detection (if enabled) and best model selection (if enabled). Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). featureBorderType : EBorderSelectionType The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum' featureWeightsList : list Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Array indices correspond to feature indices. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsMap. featureWeightsMap : dict Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Map is 'feature_name' -> weight. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsList. featuresCol : str, default: "features" features column name firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList : list Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap. firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap : dict Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList. foldLenMultiplier : float Coefficient for changing the length of folds. The value must be greater than 1. The best validation result is achieved with minimum values. Default value is 2.0. foldPermutationBlock : int Objects in the dataset are grouped in blocks before the random permutations. This parameter defines the size of the blocks. The smaller is the value, the slower is the training. Large values may result in quality degradation. Default value is 1. hasTime : bool Use the order of objects in the input data (do not perform random permutations during Choosing the tree structure stage). ignoredFeaturesIndices : list Feature indices to exclude from the training ignoredFeaturesNames : list Feature names to exclude from the training inputBorders : str Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them) iterations : int The maximum number of trees that can be built when solving machine learning problems. When using other parameters that limit the number of iterations, the final number of trees may be less than the number specified in this parameter. Default value is 1000. l2LeafReg : float Coefficient at the L2 regularization term of the cost function. Any positive value is allowed. Default value is 3.0. labelCol : str, default: "label" label column name leafEstimationBacktracking : ELeavesEstimationStepBacktracking When the value of the leafEstimationIterations parameter is greater than 1, CatBoost makes several gradient or newton steps when calculating the resulting leaf values of a tree. The behaviour differs depending on the value of this parameter. See documentation for details. Default value is 'AnyImprovement' leafEstimationIterations : int CatBoost might calculate leaf values using several gradient or newton steps instead of a single one. This parameter regulates how many steps are done in every tree when calculating leaf values. leafEstimationMethod : ELeavesEstimation The method used to calculate the values in leaves. See documentation for details. learningRate : float The learning rate. Used for reducing the gradient step. The default value is defined automatically for Logloss, MultiClass & RMSE loss functions depending on the number of iterations if none of 'leaf_estimation_iterations', leaf_estimation_method', 'l2_leaf_reg' is set. In this case, the selected learning rate is printed to stdout and saved in the model. In other cases, the default value is 0.03. loggingLevel : ELoggingLevel The logging level to output to stdout. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Verbose' lossFunction : str The metric to use in training. The specified value also determines the machine learning problem to solve. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). metricPeriod : int The frequency of iterations to calculate the values of objectives and metrics. The value should be a positive integer. The usage of this parameter speeds up the training. Default value is 1. modelShrinkMode : EModelShrinkMode Determines how the actual model shrinkage coefficient is calculated at each iteration. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Constant' modelShrinkRate : float The constant used to calculate the coefficient for multiplying the model on each iteration. See documentation for details. mvsReg : float Affects the weight of the denominator and can be used for balancing between the importance and Bernoulli sampling (setting it to 0 implies importance sampling and to +Inf - Bernoulli).Note: This parameter is supported only for the MVS sampling method. nanMode : ENanMode The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min' odPval : float The threshold for the IncToDec overfitting detector type. The training is stopped when the specified value is reached. Requires that a validation dataset was input. See documentation for details.Turned off by default. odType : EOverfittingDetectorType The type of the overfitting detector to use. See documentation for details. Default value is 'IncToDec' odWait : int The number of iterations to continue the training after the iteration with the optimal metric value. See documentation for details. Default value is 20. oneHotMaxSize : int Use one-hot encoding for all categorical features with a number of different values less than or equal to the given parameter value. Ctrs are not calculated for such features. penaltiesCoefficient : float A single-value common coefficient to multiply all penalties. Non-negative values are supported. Default value is 1.0. perFloatFeatureQuantizaton : list The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method] perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList : list Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap. perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap : dict Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList. predictionCol : str, default: "prediction" prediction column name probabilityCol : str, default: "probability" Column name for predicted class conditional probabilities. Note: Not all models output well-calibrated probability estimates! These probabilities should be treated as confidences, not precise probabilities randomSeed : int The random seed used for training. Default value is 0. randomStrength : float The amount of randomness to use for scoring splits when the tree structure is selected. Use this parameter to avoid overfitting the model. See documentation for details. Default value is 1.0 rawPredictionCol : str, default: "rawPrediction" raw prediction (a.k.a. confidence) column name rsm : float Random subspace method. The percentage of features to use at each split selection, when features are selected over again at random. The value must be in the range (0;1]. Default value is 1. samplingFrequency : ESamplingFrequency Frequency to sample weights and objects when building trees. Default value is 'PerTreeLevel' samplingUnit : ESamplingUnit The sampling scheme, see documentation for details. Default value is 'Object' saveSnapshot : bool Enable snapshotting for restoring the training progress after an interruption. If enabled, the default period for making snapshots is 600 seconds. Use the snapshotInterval parameter to change this period. scalePosWeight : float The weight for class 1 in binary classification. The value is used as a multiplier for the weights of objects from class 1. Default value is 1 (both classes have equal weight). scoreFunction : EScoreFunction The score type used to select the next split during the tree construction. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Cosine' snapshotFile : str The name of the file to save the training progress information in. This file is used for recovering training after an interruption. snapshotInterval : datetime.timedelta The interval between saving snapshots. See documentation for details. Default value is 600 seconds. sparkPartitionCount : int The number of partitions used during training. Corresponds to the number of active parallel tasks. Set to the number of active executors by default subsample : float Sample rate for bagging. The default value depends on the dataset size and the bootstrap type, see documentation for details. targetBorder : float If set, defines the border for converting target values to 0 and 1 classes. threadCount : int Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client thresholds : list Thresholds in multi-class classification to adjust the probability of predicting each class. Array must have length equal to the number of classes, with values > 0 excepting that at most one value may be 0. The class with largest value p/t is predicted, where p is the original probability of that class and t is the class's threshold trainDir : str The directory for storing the files on Driver node generated during training. Default value is 'catboost_info' useBestModel : bool If this parameter is set, the number of trees that are saved in the resulting model is selected based on the optimal value of the evalMetric. This option requires a validation dataset to be provided. weightCol : str weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0 workerInitializationTimeout : datetime.timedelta, default: datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=600000) Timeout to wait until CatBoost workers on Spark executors are initalized and sent their info to master. Depends on dataset size. Default is 10 minutes workerMaxFailures : int, default: 4 Number of individual CatBoost workers failures before giving up training. Should be greater than or equal to 1. Default is 4 """ if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs return self._set(**kwargs)
[docs] def getAllowConstLabel(self): """ Returns ------- bool Use it to train models with datasets that have equal label values for all objects. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.allowConstLabel)
[docs] def setAllowConstLabel(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool Use it to train models with datasets that have equal label values for all objects. """ self._set(allowConstLabel=value) return self
[docs] def getAllowWritingFiles(self): """ Returns ------- bool Allow to write analytical and snapshot files during training. Enabled by default. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.allowWritingFiles)
[docs] def setAllowWritingFiles(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool Allow to write analytical and snapshot files during training. Enabled by default. """ self._set(allowWritingFiles=value) return self
[docs] def getApproxOnFullHistory(self): """ Returns ------- bool Use all the preceding rows in the fold for calculating the approximated values. This mode is slower and in rare cases slightly more accurate. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.approxOnFullHistory)
[docs] def setApproxOnFullHistory(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool Use all the preceding rows in the fold for calculating the approximated values. This mode is slower and in rare cases slightly more accurate. """ self._set(approxOnFullHistory=value) return self
[docs] def getAutoClassWeights(self): """ Returns ------- EAutoClassWeightsType Automatically calculate class weights based either on the total weight or the total number of objects in each class. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. Default value is 'None' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.autoClassWeights)
[docs] def setAutoClassWeights(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : EAutoClassWeightsType Automatically calculate class weights based either on the total weight or the total number of objects in each class. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. Default value is 'None' """ self._set(autoClassWeights=value) return self
[docs] def getBaggingTemperature(self): """ Returns ------- float This parameter can be used if the selected bootstrap type is Bayesian. Possible values are in the range [0, +inf). The higher the value the more aggressive the bagging is.Default value in 1.0. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.baggingTemperature)
[docs] def setBaggingTemperature(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float This parameter can be used if the selected bootstrap type is Bayesian. Possible values are in the range [0, +inf). The higher the value the more aggressive the bagging is.Default value in 1.0. """ self._set(baggingTemperature=value) return self
[docs] def getBestModelMinTrees(self): """ Returns ------- int The minimal number of trees that the best model should have. If set, the output model contains at least the given number of trees even if the best model is located within these trees. Should be used with the useBestModel parameter. No limit by default. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.bestModelMinTrees)
[docs] def setBestModelMinTrees(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The minimal number of trees that the best model should have. If set, the output model contains at least the given number of trees even if the best model is located within these trees. Should be used with the useBestModel parameter. No limit by default. """ self._set(bestModelMinTrees=value) return self
[docs] def getBootstrapType(self): """ Returns ------- EBootstrapType Bootstrap type. Defines the method for sampling the weights of objects.The default value depends on the selected mode and processing unit type: QueryCrossEntropy, YetiRankPairwise, PairLogitPairwise: Bernoulli with the subsample parameter set to 0.5. MultiClass and MultiClassOneVsAll: Bayesian. Other modes: MVS with the subsample parameter set to 0.8. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.bootstrapType)
[docs] def setBootstrapType(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : EBootstrapType Bootstrap type. Defines the method for sampling the weights of objects.The default value depends on the selected mode and processing unit type: QueryCrossEntropy, YetiRankPairwise, PairLogitPairwise: Bernoulli with the subsample parameter set to 0.5. MultiClass and MultiClassOneVsAll: Bayesian. Other modes: MVS with the subsample parameter set to 0.8. """ self._set(bootstrapType=value) return self
[docs] def getBorderCount(self): """ Returns ------- int The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.borderCount)
[docs] def setBorderCount(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The number of splits for numerical features. Allowed values are integers from 1 to 65535 inclusively. Default value is 254. """ self._set(borderCount=value) return self
[docs] def getClassNames(self): """ Returns ------- list Allows to redefine the default values (consecutive integers). """ return self.getOrDefault(self.classNames)
[docs] def setClassNames(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Allows to redefine the default values (consecutive integers). """ self._set(classNames=value) return self
[docs] def getClassWeightsList(self): """ Returns ------- list List of weights for each class. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. This parameter is mutually exclusive with classWeightsMap. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.classWeightsList)
[docs] def setClassWeightsList(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list List of weights for each class. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. This parameter is mutually exclusive with classWeightsMap. """ self._set(classWeightsList=value) return self
[docs] def getClassWeightsMap(self): """ Returns ------- dict Map from class name to weight. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. This parameter is mutually exclusive with classWeightsList. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.classWeightsMap)
[docs] def setClassWeightsMap(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : dict Map from class name to weight. The values are used as multipliers for the object weights. This parameter is mutually exclusive with classWeightsList. """ self._set(classWeightsMap=value) return self
[docs] def getClassesCount(self): """ Returns ------- int The upper limit for the numeric class label. Defines the number of classes for multiclassification. See documentation for details. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.classesCount)
[docs] def setClassesCount(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The upper limit for the numeric class label. Defines the number of classes for multiclassification. See documentation for details. """ self._set(classesCount=value) return self
[docs] def getConnectTimeout(self): """ Returns ------- datetime.timedelta Timeout to wait while establishing socket connections between TrainingDriver and workers.Default is 1 minute """ return self.getOrDefault(self.connectTimeout)
[docs] def setConnectTimeout(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : datetime.timedelta Timeout to wait while establishing socket connections between TrainingDriver and workers.Default is 1 minute """ self._set(connectTimeout=value) return self
[docs] def getCustomMetric(self): """ Returns ------- list Metric values to output during training. These functions are not optimized and are displayed for informational purposes only. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). """ return self.getOrDefault(self.customMetric)
[docs] def setCustomMetric(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Metric values to output during training. These functions are not optimized and are displayed for informational purposes only. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). """ self._set(customMetric=value) return self
[docs] def getDepth(self): """ Returns ------- int Depth of the tree.Default value is 6. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.depth)
[docs] def setDepth(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Depth of the tree.Default value is 6. """ self._set(depth=value) return self
[docs] def getDiffusionTemperature(self): """ Returns ------- float The diffusion temperature of the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Boosting mode. Only non-negative values are supported. Default value is 10000. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.diffusionTemperature)
[docs] def setDiffusionTemperature(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float The diffusion temperature of the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Boosting mode. Only non-negative values are supported. Default value is 10000. """ self._set(diffusionTemperature=value) return self
[docs] def getEarlyStoppingRounds(self): """ Returns ------- int Sets the overfitting detector type to Iter and stops the training after the specified number of iterations since the iteration with the optimal metric value. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.earlyStoppingRounds)
[docs] def setEarlyStoppingRounds(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Sets the overfitting detector type to Iter and stops the training after the specified number of iterations since the iteration with the optimal metric value. """ self._set(earlyStoppingRounds=value) return self
[docs] def getEvalMetric(self): """ Returns ------- str The metric used for overfitting detection (if enabled) and best model selection (if enabled). Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). """ return self.getOrDefault(self.evalMetric)
[docs] def setEvalMetric(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str The metric used for overfitting detection (if enabled) and best model selection (if enabled). Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). """ self._set(evalMetric=value) return self
[docs] def getFeatureBorderType(self): """ Returns ------- EBorderSelectionType The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.featureBorderType)
[docs] def setFeatureBorderType(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : EBorderSelectionType The quantization mode for numerical features. See documentation for details. Default value is 'GreedyLogSum' """ self._set(featureBorderType=value) return self
[docs] def getFeatureWeightsList(self): """ Returns ------- list Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Array indices correspond to feature indices. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsMap. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.featureWeightsList)
[docs] def setFeatureWeightsList(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Array indices correspond to feature indices. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsMap. """ self._set(featureWeightsList=value) return self
[docs] def getFeatureWeightsMap(self): """ Returns ------- dict Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Map is 'feature_name' -> weight. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsList. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.featureWeightsMap)
[docs] def setFeatureWeightsMap(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : dict Per-feature multiplication weights used when choosing the best split. Map is 'feature_name' -> weight. The score of each candidate is multiplied by the weights of features from the current split.This parameter is mutually exclusive with featureWeightsList. """ self._set(featureWeightsMap=value) return self
[docs] def getFeaturesCol(self): """ Returns ------- str features column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.featuresCol)
[docs] def setFeaturesCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str features column name """ self._set(featuresCol=value) return self
[docs] def getFirstFeatureUsePenaltiesList(self): """ Returns ------- list Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList)
[docs] def setFirstFeatureUsePenaltiesList(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap. """ self._set(firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList=value) return self
[docs] def getFirstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap(self): """ Returns ------- dict Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap)
[docs] def setFirstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : dict Per-feature penalties for the first occurrence of the feature in the model. The given value is subtracted from the score if the current candidate is the first one to include the feature in the model. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with firstFeatureUsePenaltiesList. """ self._set(firstFeatureUsePenaltiesMap=value) return self
[docs] def getFoldLenMultiplier(self): """ Returns ------- float Coefficient for changing the length of folds. The value must be greater than 1. The best validation result is achieved with minimum values. Default value is 2.0. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.foldLenMultiplier)
[docs] def setFoldLenMultiplier(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float Coefficient for changing the length of folds. The value must be greater than 1. The best validation result is achieved with minimum values. Default value is 2.0. """ self._set(foldLenMultiplier=value) return self
[docs] def getFoldPermutationBlock(self): """ Returns ------- int Objects in the dataset are grouped in blocks before the random permutations. This parameter defines the size of the blocks. The smaller is the value, the slower is the training. Large values may result in quality degradation. Default value is 1. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.foldPermutationBlock)
[docs] def setFoldPermutationBlock(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Objects in the dataset are grouped in blocks before the random permutations. This parameter defines the size of the blocks. The smaller is the value, the slower is the training. Large values may result in quality degradation. Default value is 1. """ self._set(foldPermutationBlock=value) return self
[docs] def getHasTime(self): """ Returns ------- bool Use the order of objects in the input data (do not perform random permutations during Choosing the tree structure stage). """ return self.getOrDefault(self.hasTime)
[docs] def setHasTime(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool Use the order of objects in the input data (do not perform random permutations during Choosing the tree structure stage). """ self._set(hasTime=value) return self
[docs] def getIgnoredFeaturesIndices(self): """ Returns ------- list Feature indices to exclude from the training """ return self.getOrDefault(self.ignoredFeaturesIndices)
[docs] def setIgnoredFeaturesIndices(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Feature indices to exclude from the training """ self._set(ignoredFeaturesIndices=value) return self
[docs] def getIgnoredFeaturesNames(self): """ Returns ------- list Feature names to exclude from the training """ return self.getOrDefault(self.ignoredFeaturesNames)
[docs] def setIgnoredFeaturesNames(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Feature names to exclude from the training """ self._set(ignoredFeaturesNames=value) return self
[docs] def getInputBorders(self): """ Returns ------- str Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them) """ return self.getOrDefault(self.inputBorders)
[docs] def setInputBorders(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str Load Custom quantization borders and missing value modes from a file (do not generate them) """ self._set(inputBorders=value) return self
[docs] def getIterations(self): """ Returns ------- int The maximum number of trees that can be built when solving machine learning problems. When using other parameters that limit the number of iterations, the final number of trees may be less than the number specified in this parameter. Default value is 1000. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.iterations)
[docs] def setIterations(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The maximum number of trees that can be built when solving machine learning problems. When using other parameters that limit the number of iterations, the final number of trees may be less than the number specified in this parameter. Default value is 1000. """ self._set(iterations=value) return self
[docs] def getL2LeafReg(self): """ Returns ------- float Coefficient at the L2 regularization term of the cost function. Any positive value is allowed. Default value is 3.0. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.l2LeafReg)
[docs] def setL2LeafReg(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float Coefficient at the L2 regularization term of the cost function. Any positive value is allowed. Default value is 3.0. """ self._set(l2LeafReg=value) return self
[docs] def getLabelCol(self): """ Returns ------- str label column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.labelCol)
[docs] def setLabelCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str label column name """ self._set(labelCol=value) return self
[docs] def getLeafEstimationBacktracking(self): """ Returns ------- ELeavesEstimationStepBacktracking When the value of the leafEstimationIterations parameter is greater than 1, CatBoost makes several gradient or newton steps when calculating the resulting leaf values of a tree. The behaviour differs depending on the value of this parameter. See documentation for details. Default value is 'AnyImprovement' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.leafEstimationBacktracking)
[docs] def setLeafEstimationBacktracking(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ELeavesEstimationStepBacktracking When the value of the leafEstimationIterations parameter is greater than 1, CatBoost makes several gradient or newton steps when calculating the resulting leaf values of a tree. The behaviour differs depending on the value of this parameter. See documentation for details. Default value is 'AnyImprovement' """ self._set(leafEstimationBacktracking=value) return self
[docs] def getLeafEstimationIterations(self): """ Returns ------- int CatBoost might calculate leaf values using several gradient or newton steps instead of a single one. This parameter regulates how many steps are done in every tree when calculating leaf values. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.leafEstimationIterations)
[docs] def setLeafEstimationIterations(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int CatBoost might calculate leaf values using several gradient or newton steps instead of a single one. This parameter regulates how many steps are done in every tree when calculating leaf values. """ self._set(leafEstimationIterations=value) return self
[docs] def getLeafEstimationMethod(self): """ Returns ------- ELeavesEstimation The method used to calculate the values in leaves. See documentation for details. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.leafEstimationMethod)
[docs] def setLeafEstimationMethod(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ELeavesEstimation The method used to calculate the values in leaves. See documentation for details. """ self._set(leafEstimationMethod=value) return self
[docs] def getLearningRate(self): """ Returns ------- float The learning rate. Used for reducing the gradient step. The default value is defined automatically for Logloss, MultiClass & RMSE loss functions depending on the number of iterations if none of 'leaf_estimation_iterations', leaf_estimation_method', 'l2_leaf_reg' is set. In this case, the selected learning rate is printed to stdout and saved in the model. In other cases, the default value is 0.03. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.learningRate)
[docs] def setLearningRate(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float The learning rate. Used for reducing the gradient step. The default value is defined automatically for Logloss, MultiClass & RMSE loss functions depending on the number of iterations if none of 'leaf_estimation_iterations', leaf_estimation_method', 'l2_leaf_reg' is set. In this case, the selected learning rate is printed to stdout and saved in the model. In other cases, the default value is 0.03. """ self._set(learningRate=value) return self
[docs] def getLoggingLevel(self): """ Returns ------- ELoggingLevel The logging level to output to stdout. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Verbose' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.loggingLevel)
[docs] def setLoggingLevel(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ELoggingLevel The logging level to output to stdout. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Verbose' """ self._set(loggingLevel=value) return self
[docs] def getLossFunction(self): """ Returns ------- str The metric to use in training. The specified value also determines the machine learning problem to solve. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). """ return self.getOrDefault(self.lossFunction)
[docs] def setLossFunction(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str The metric to use in training. The specified value also determines the machine learning problem to solve. Some metrics support optional parameters (see the Objectives and metrics documentation section for details on each metric). """ self._set(lossFunction=value) return self
[docs] def getMetricPeriod(self): """ Returns ------- int The frequency of iterations to calculate the values of objectives and metrics. The value should be a positive integer. The usage of this parameter speeds up the training. Default value is 1. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.metricPeriod)
[docs] def setMetricPeriod(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The frequency of iterations to calculate the values of objectives and metrics. The value should be a positive integer. The usage of this parameter speeds up the training. Default value is 1. """ self._set(metricPeriod=value) return self
[docs] def getModelShrinkMode(self): """ Returns ------- EModelShrinkMode Determines how the actual model shrinkage coefficient is calculated at each iteration. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Constant' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.modelShrinkMode)
[docs] def setModelShrinkMode(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : EModelShrinkMode Determines how the actual model shrinkage coefficient is calculated at each iteration. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Constant' """ self._set(modelShrinkMode=value) return self
[docs] def getModelShrinkRate(self): """ Returns ------- float The constant used to calculate the coefficient for multiplying the model on each iteration. See documentation for details. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.modelShrinkRate)
[docs] def setModelShrinkRate(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float The constant used to calculate the coefficient for multiplying the model on each iteration. See documentation for details. """ self._set(modelShrinkRate=value) return self
[docs] def getMvsReg(self): """ Returns ------- float Affects the weight of the denominator and can be used for balancing between the importance and Bernoulli sampling (setting it to 0 implies importance sampling and to +Inf - Bernoulli).Note: This parameter is supported only for the MVS sampling method. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.mvsReg)
[docs] def setMvsReg(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float Affects the weight of the denominator and can be used for balancing between the importance and Bernoulli sampling (setting it to 0 implies importance sampling and to +Inf - Bernoulli).Note: This parameter is supported only for the MVS sampling method. """ self._set(mvsReg=value) return self
[docs] def getNanMode(self): """ Returns ------- ENanMode The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.nanMode)
[docs] def setNanMode(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ENanMode The method for processing missing values in the input dataset. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Min' """ self._set(nanMode=value) return self
[docs] def getOdPval(self): """ Returns ------- float The threshold for the IncToDec overfitting detector type. The training is stopped when the specified value is reached. Requires that a validation dataset was input. See documentation for details.Turned off by default. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.odPval)
[docs] def setOdPval(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float The threshold for the IncToDec overfitting detector type. The training is stopped when the specified value is reached. Requires that a validation dataset was input. See documentation for details.Turned off by default. """ self._set(odPval=value) return self
[docs] def getOdType(self): """ Returns ------- EOverfittingDetectorType The type of the overfitting detector to use. See documentation for details. Default value is 'IncToDec' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.odType)
[docs] def setOdType(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : EOverfittingDetectorType The type of the overfitting detector to use. See documentation for details. Default value is 'IncToDec' """ self._set(odType=value) return self
[docs] def getOdWait(self): """ Returns ------- int The number of iterations to continue the training after the iteration with the optimal metric value. See documentation for details. Default value is 20. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.odWait)
[docs] def setOdWait(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The number of iterations to continue the training after the iteration with the optimal metric value. See documentation for details. Default value is 20. """ self._set(odWait=value) return self
[docs] def getOneHotMaxSize(self): """ Returns ------- int Use one-hot encoding for all categorical features with a number of different values less than or equal to the given parameter value. Ctrs are not calculated for such features. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.oneHotMaxSize)
[docs] def setOneHotMaxSize(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Use one-hot encoding for all categorical features with a number of different values less than or equal to the given parameter value. Ctrs are not calculated for such features. """ self._set(oneHotMaxSize=value) return self
[docs] def getPenaltiesCoefficient(self): """ Returns ------- float A single-value common coefficient to multiply all penalties. Non-negative values are supported. Default value is 1.0. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.penaltiesCoefficient)
[docs] def setPenaltiesCoefficient(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float A single-value common coefficient to multiply all penalties. Non-negative values are supported. Default value is 1.0. """ self._set(penaltiesCoefficient=value) return self
[docs] def getPerFloatFeatureQuantizaton(self): """ Returns ------- list The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method] """ return self.getOrDefault(self.perFloatFeatureQuantizaton)
[docs] def setPerFloatFeatureQuantizaton(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list The quantization description for the given list of features (one or more).Description format for a single feature: FeatureId[:border_count=BorderCount][:nan_mode=BorderType][:border_type=border_selection_method] """ self._set(perFloatFeatureQuantizaton=value) return self
[docs] def getPerObjectFeaturePenaltiesList(self): """ Returns ------- list Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList)
[docs] def setPerObjectFeaturePenaltiesList(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Array indices correspond to feature indices. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap. """ self._set(perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList=value) return self
[docs] def getPerObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap(self): """ Returns ------- dict Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap)
[docs] def setPerObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : dict Per-object penalties for the first use of the feature for the object. The given value is multiplied by the number of objects that are divided by the current split and use the feature for the first time. Map is 'feature_name' -> penalty. See documentation for details. This parameter is mutually exclusive with perObjectFeaturePenaltiesList. """ self._set(perObjectFeaturePenaltiesMap=value) return self
[docs] def getPredictionCol(self): """ Returns ------- str prediction column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.predictionCol)
[docs] def setPredictionCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str prediction column name """ self._set(predictionCol=value) return self
[docs] def getProbabilityCol(self): """ Returns ------- str Column name for predicted class conditional probabilities. Note: Not all models output well-calibrated probability estimates! These probabilities should be treated as confidences, not precise probabilities """ return self.getOrDefault(self.probabilityCol)
[docs] def setProbabilityCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str Column name for predicted class conditional probabilities. Note: Not all models output well-calibrated probability estimates! These probabilities should be treated as confidences, not precise probabilities """ self._set(probabilityCol=value) return self
[docs] def getRandomSeed(self): """ Returns ------- int The random seed used for training. Default value is 0. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.randomSeed)
[docs] def setRandomSeed(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The random seed used for training. Default value is 0. """ self._set(randomSeed=value) return self
[docs] def getRandomStrength(self): """ Returns ------- float The amount of randomness to use for scoring splits when the tree structure is selected. Use this parameter to avoid overfitting the model. See documentation for details. Default value is 1.0 """ return self.getOrDefault(self.randomStrength)
[docs] def setRandomStrength(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float The amount of randomness to use for scoring splits when the tree structure is selected. Use this parameter to avoid overfitting the model. See documentation for details. Default value is 1.0 """ self._set(randomStrength=value) return self
[docs] def getRawPredictionCol(self): """ Returns ------- str raw prediction (a.k.a. confidence) column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.rawPredictionCol)
[docs] def setRawPredictionCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str raw prediction (a.k.a. confidence) column name """ self._set(rawPredictionCol=value) return self
[docs] def getRsm(self): """ Returns ------- float Random subspace method. The percentage of features to use at each split selection, when features are selected over again at random. The value must be in the range (0;1]. Default value is 1. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.rsm)
[docs] def setRsm(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float Random subspace method. The percentage of features to use at each split selection, when features are selected over again at random. The value must be in the range (0;1]. Default value is 1. """ self._set(rsm=value) return self
[docs] def getSamplingFrequency(self): """ Returns ------- ESamplingFrequency Frequency to sample weights and objects when building trees. Default value is 'PerTreeLevel' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.samplingFrequency)
[docs] def setSamplingFrequency(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ESamplingFrequency Frequency to sample weights and objects when building trees. Default value is 'PerTreeLevel' """ self._set(samplingFrequency=value) return self
[docs] def getSamplingUnit(self): """ Returns ------- ESamplingUnit The sampling scheme, see documentation for details. Default value is 'Object' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.samplingUnit)
[docs] def setSamplingUnit(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : ESamplingUnit The sampling scheme, see documentation for details. Default value is 'Object' """ self._set(samplingUnit=value) return self
[docs] def getSaveSnapshot(self): """ Returns ------- bool Enable snapshotting for restoring the training progress after an interruption. If enabled, the default period for making snapshots is 600 seconds. Use the snapshotInterval parameter to change this period. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.saveSnapshot)
[docs] def setSaveSnapshot(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool Enable snapshotting for restoring the training progress after an interruption. If enabled, the default period for making snapshots is 600 seconds. Use the snapshotInterval parameter to change this period. """ self._set(saveSnapshot=value) return self
[docs] def getScalePosWeight(self): """ Returns ------- float The weight for class 1 in binary classification. The value is used as a multiplier for the weights of objects from class 1. Default value is 1 (both classes have equal weight). """ return self.getOrDefault(self.scalePosWeight)
[docs] def setScalePosWeight(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float The weight for class 1 in binary classification. The value is used as a multiplier for the weights of objects from class 1. Default value is 1 (both classes have equal weight). """ self._set(scalePosWeight=value) return self
[docs] def getScoreFunction(self): """ Returns ------- EScoreFunction The score type used to select the next split during the tree construction. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Cosine' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.scoreFunction)
[docs] def setScoreFunction(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : EScoreFunction The score type used to select the next split during the tree construction. See documentation for details. Default value is 'Cosine' """ self._set(scoreFunction=value) return self
[docs] def getSnapshotFile(self): """ Returns ------- str The name of the file to save the training progress information in. This file is used for recovering training after an interruption. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.snapshotFile)
[docs] def setSnapshotFile(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str The name of the file to save the training progress information in. This file is used for recovering training after an interruption. """ self._set(snapshotFile=value) return self
[docs] def getSnapshotInterval(self): """ Returns ------- datetime.timedelta The interval between saving snapshots. See documentation for details. Default value is 600 seconds. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.snapshotInterval)
[docs] def setSnapshotInterval(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : datetime.timedelta The interval between saving snapshots. See documentation for details. Default value is 600 seconds. """ self._set(snapshotInterval=value) return self
[docs] def getSparkPartitionCount(self): """ Returns ------- int The number of partitions used during training. Corresponds to the number of active parallel tasks. Set to the number of active executors by default """ return self.getOrDefault(self.sparkPartitionCount)
[docs] def setSparkPartitionCount(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int The number of partitions used during training. Corresponds to the number of active parallel tasks. Set to the number of active executors by default """ self._set(sparkPartitionCount=value) return self
[docs] def getSubsample(self): """ Returns ------- float Sample rate for bagging. The default value depends on the dataset size and the bootstrap type, see documentation for details. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.subsample)
[docs] def setSubsample(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float Sample rate for bagging. The default value depends on the dataset size and the bootstrap type, see documentation for details. """ self._set(subsample=value) return self
[docs] def getTargetBorder(self): """ Returns ------- float If set, defines the border for converting target values to 0 and 1 classes. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.targetBorder)
[docs] def setTargetBorder(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : float If set, defines the border for converting target values to 0 and 1 classes. """ self._set(targetBorder=value) return self
[docs] def getThreadCount(self): """ Returns ------- int Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client """ return self.getOrDefault(self.threadCount)
[docs] def setThreadCount(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Number of CPU threads in parallel operations on client """ self._set(threadCount=value) return self
[docs] def getThresholds(self): """ Returns ------- list Thresholds in multi-class classification to adjust the probability of predicting each class. Array must have length equal to the number of classes, with values > 0 excepting that at most one value may be 0. The class with largest value p/t is predicted, where p is the original probability of that class and t is the class's threshold """ return self.getOrDefault(self.thresholds)
[docs] def setThresholds(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Thresholds in multi-class classification to adjust the probability of predicting each class. Array must have length equal to the number of classes, with values > 0 excepting that at most one value may be 0. The class with largest value p/t is predicted, where p is the original probability of that class and t is the class's threshold """ self._set(thresholds=value) return self
[docs] def getTrainDir(self): """ Returns ------- str The directory for storing the files on Driver node generated during training. Default value is 'catboost_info' """ return self.getOrDefault(self.trainDir)
[docs] def setTrainDir(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str The directory for storing the files on Driver node generated during training. Default value is 'catboost_info' """ self._set(trainDir=value) return self
[docs] def getUseBestModel(self): """ Returns ------- bool If this parameter is set, the number of trees that are saved in the resulting model is selected based on the optimal value of the evalMetric. This option requires a validation dataset to be provided. """ return self.getOrDefault(self.useBestModel)
[docs] def setUseBestModel(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : bool If this parameter is set, the number of trees that are saved in the resulting model is selected based on the optimal value of the evalMetric. This option requires a validation dataset to be provided. """ self._set(useBestModel=value) return self
[docs] def getWeightCol(self): """ Returns ------- str weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0 """ return self.getOrDefault(self.weightCol)
[docs] def setWeightCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str weight column name. If this is not set or empty, we treat all instance weights as 1.0 """ self._set(weightCol=value) return self
[docs] def getWorkerInitializationTimeout(self): """ Returns ------- datetime.timedelta Timeout to wait until CatBoost workers on Spark executors are initalized and sent their info to master. Depends on dataset size. Default is 10 minutes """ return self.getOrDefault(self.workerInitializationTimeout)
[docs] def setWorkerInitializationTimeout(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : datetime.timedelta Timeout to wait until CatBoost workers on Spark executors are initalized and sent their info to master. Depends on dataset size. Default is 10 minutes """ self._set(workerInitializationTimeout=value) return self
[docs] def getWorkerMaxFailures(self): """ Returns ------- int Number of individual CatBoost workers failures before giving up training. Should be greater than or equal to 1. Default is 4 """ return self.getOrDefault(self.workerMaxFailures)
[docs] def setWorkerMaxFailures(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : int Number of individual CatBoost workers failures before giving up training. Should be greater than or equal to 1. Default is 4 """ self._set(workerMaxFailures=value) return self
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls): """Returns an MLReader instance for this class.""" return CatBoostMLReader(cls)
def _create_model(self, java_model): return CatBoostClassificationModel(java_model)
[docs] def fit(self, trainDataset, evalDatasets=None): """ Extended variant of standard Estimator's fit method that accepts CatBoost's Pool s and allows to specify additional datasets for computing evaluation metrics and overfitting detection similarily to CatBoost's other APIs. Parameters ---------- trainDataset : Pool or DataFrame The input training dataset. evalDatasets : Pools, optional The validation datasets used for the following processes: - overfitting detector - best iteration selection - monitoring metrics' changes Returns ------- trained model: CatBoostClassificationModel """ if (isinstance(trainDataset, DataFrame)): if evalDatasets is not None: raise RuntimeError("if trainDataset has type DataFrame no evalDatasets are supported") return, trainDataset) else: sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context evalDatasetCount = 0 if (evalDatasets is None) else len(evalDatasets) # need to create it because default mapping for python list is ArrayList, not Array evalDatasetsAsJavaObject = sc._gateway.new_array(, evalDatasetCount) for i in range(evalDatasetCount): evalDatasetsAsJavaObject[i] = _py2java(sc, evalDatasets[i]) self._transfer_params_to_java() java_model =, trainDataset), evalDatasetsAsJavaObject) return CatBoostClassificationModel(java_model)
[docs]@inherit_doc class CatBoostClassificationModel(JavaProbabilisticClassificationModel, MLReadable, JavaMLWritable): """ Classification model trained by CatBoost. Use CatBoostClassifier to train it """ def __init__(self, java_model): super(CatBoostClassificationModel, self).__init__(java_model) self.featuresCol = Param(self, "featuresCol", "features column name") self._setDefault(featuresCol="features") self.labelCol = Param(self, "labelCol", "label column name") self._setDefault(labelCol="label") self.predictionCol = Param(self, "predictionCol", "prediction column name") self._setDefault(predictionCol="prediction") self.probabilityCol = Param(self, "probabilityCol", "Column name for predicted class conditional probabilities. Note: Not all models output well-calibrated probability estimates! These probabilities should be treated as confidences, not precise probabilities") self._setDefault(probabilityCol="probability") self.rawPredictionCol = Param(self, "rawPredictionCol", "raw prediction (a.k.a. confidence) column name") self._setDefault(rawPredictionCol="rawPrediction") self.thresholds = Param(self, "thresholds", "Thresholds in multi-class classification to adjust the probability of predicting each class. Array must have length equal to the number of classes, with values > 0 excepting that at most one value may be 0. The class with largest value p/t is predicted, where p is the original probability of that class and t is the class's threshold") self._transfer_params_from_java()
[docs] @keyword_only def setParams(self, featuresCol="features", labelCol="label", predictionCol="prediction", probabilityCol="probability", rawPredictionCol="rawPrediction", thresholds=None): """ Set the (keyword only) parameters Parameters ---------- featuresCol : str, default: "features" features column name labelCol : str, default: "label" label column name predictionCol : str, default: "prediction" prediction column name probabilityCol : str, default: "probability" Column name for predicted class conditional probabilities. Note: Not all models output well-calibrated probability estimates! These probabilities should be treated as confidences, not precise probabilities rawPredictionCol : str, default: "rawPrediction" raw prediction (a.k.a. confidence) column name thresholds : list Thresholds in multi-class classification to adjust the probability of predicting each class. Array must have length equal to the number of classes, with values > 0 excepting that at most one value may be 0. The class with largest value p/t is predicted, where p is the original probability of that class and t is the class's threshold """ if hasattr(self, "_input_kwargs"): kwargs = self._input_kwargs else: kwargs = self.__init__._input_kwargs return self._set(**kwargs)
[docs] def getFeaturesCol(self): """ Returns ------- str features column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.featuresCol)
[docs] def setFeaturesCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str features column name """ self._set(featuresCol=value) return self
[docs] def getLabelCol(self): """ Returns ------- str label column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.labelCol)
[docs] def setLabelCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str label column name """ self._set(labelCol=value) return self
[docs] def getPredictionCol(self): """ Returns ------- str prediction column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.predictionCol)
[docs] def setPredictionCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str prediction column name """ self._set(predictionCol=value) return self
[docs] def getProbabilityCol(self): """ Returns ------- str Column name for predicted class conditional probabilities. Note: Not all models output well-calibrated probability estimates! These probabilities should be treated as confidences, not precise probabilities """ return self.getOrDefault(self.probabilityCol)
[docs] def setProbabilityCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str Column name for predicted class conditional probabilities. Note: Not all models output well-calibrated probability estimates! These probabilities should be treated as confidences, not precise probabilities """ self._set(probabilityCol=value) return self
[docs] def getRawPredictionCol(self): """ Returns ------- str raw prediction (a.k.a. confidence) column name """ return self.getOrDefault(self.rawPredictionCol)
[docs] def setRawPredictionCol(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : str raw prediction (a.k.a. confidence) column name """ self._set(rawPredictionCol=value) return self
[docs] def getThresholds(self): """ Returns ------- list Thresholds in multi-class classification to adjust the probability of predicting each class. Array must have length equal to the number of classes, with values > 0 excepting that at most one value may be 0. The class with largest value p/t is predicted, where p is the original probability of that class and t is the class's threshold """ return self.getOrDefault(self.thresholds)
[docs] def setThresholds(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : list Thresholds in multi-class classification to adjust the probability of predicting each class. Array must have length equal to the number of classes, with values > 0 excepting that at most one value may be 0. The class with largest value p/t is predicted, where p is the original probability of that class and t is the class's threshold """ self._set(thresholds=value) return self
@staticmethod def _from_java(java_model): return CatBoostClassificationModel(java_model)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls): """Returns an MLReader instance for this class.""" return CatBoostMLReader(cls)
[docs] def saveNativeModel(self, fileName, format=EModelType.CatboostBinary, exportParameters=None, pool=None): """ Save the model to a local file. See for detailed parameters description """ return self._call_java("saveNativeModel", fileName, format, exportParameters, pool)
[docs] @staticmethod def loadNativeModel(fileName, format=EModelType.CatboostBinary): """ Load the model from a local file. See for detailed parameters description """ sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context java_model =, _py2java(sc, format)) return CatBoostClassificationModel(java_model)
[docs] def transformPool(self, pool): """ This function is useful when the dataset has been already quantized but works with any Pool """ return self._call_java("transformPool", pool)
[docs] def getFeatureImportance(self, fstrType=EFstrType.FeatureImportance, data=None, calcType=ECalcTypeShapValues.Regular ): """ Parameters ---------- fstrType : EFstrType Supported values are FeatureImportance, PredictionValuesChange, LossFunctionChange, PredictionDiff data : Pool if fstrType is PredictionDiff it is required and must contain 2 samples if fstrType is PredictionValuesChange this param is required in case if model was explicitly trained with flag to store no leaf weights. otherwise it can be null calcType : ECalcTypeShapValues Used only for PredictionValuesChange. Possible values: - Regular Calculate regular SHAP values - Approximate Calculate approximate SHAP values - Exact Calculate exact SHAP values Returns ------- list of float array of feature importances (index corresponds to the order of features in the model) """ return self._call_java("getFeatureImportance", fstrType, data, calcType)
[docs] def getFeatureImportancePrettified(self, fstrType=EFstrType.FeatureImportance, data=None, calcType=ECalcTypeShapValues.Regular ): """ Parameters ---------- fstrType : EFstrType Supported values are FeatureImportance, PredictionValuesChange, LossFunctionChange, PredictionDiff data : Pool if fstrType is PredictionDiff it is required and must contain 2 samples if fstrType is PredictionValuesChange this param is required in case if model was explicitly trained with flag to store no leaf weights. otherwise it can be null calcType : ECalcTypeShapValues Used only for PredictionValuesChange. Possible values: - Regular Calculate regular SHAP values - Approximate Calculate approximate SHAP values - Exact Calculate exact SHAP values Returns ------- list of FeatureImportance array of feature importances sorted in descending order by importance """ return self._call_java("getFeatureImportancePrettified", fstrType, data, calcType)
[docs] def getFeatureImportanceShapValues(self, data, preCalcMode=EPreCalcShapValues.Auto, calcType=ECalcTypeShapValues.Regular, modelOutputType=EExplainableModelOutput.Raw, referenceData=None, outputColumns=None ): """ Parameters ---------- data : Pool dataset to calculate SHAP values for preCalcMode : EPreCalcShapValues Possible values: - Auto Use direct SHAP Values calculation only if data size is smaller than average leaves number (the best of two strategies below is chosen). - UsePreCalc Calculate SHAP Values for every leaf in preprocessing. Final complexity is O(NT(D+F))+O(TL^2 D^2) where N is the number of documents(objects), T - number of trees, D - average tree depth, F - average number of features in tree, L - average number of leaves in tree This is much faster (because of a smaller constant) than direct calculation when N >> L - NoPreCalc Use direct SHAP Values calculation calculation with complexity O(NTLD^2). Direct algorithm is faster when N < L (algorithm from calcType : ECalcTypeShapValues Possible values: - Regular Calculate regular SHAP values - Approximate Calculate approximate SHAP values - Exact Calculate exact SHAP values referenceData : Pool reference data for Independent Tree SHAP values from if referenceData is not null, then Independent Tree SHAP values are calculated outputColumns : list of str columns from data to add to output DataFrame, if None - add all columns Returns ------- DataFrame - for regression and binclass models: contains outputColumns and "shapValues" column with Vector of length (n_features + 1) with SHAP values - for multiclass models: contains outputColumns and "shapValues" column with Matrix of shape (n_classes x (n_features + 1)) with SHAP values """ return self._call_java( "getFeatureImportanceShapValues", data, preCalcMode, calcType, modelOutputType, referenceData, outputColumns )
[docs] def getFeatureImportanceShapInteractionValues(self, data, featureIndices=None, featureNames=None, preCalcMode=EPreCalcShapValues.Auto, calcType=ECalcTypeShapValues.Regular, outputColumns=None): """ SHAP interaction values are calculated for all features pairs if nor featureIndices nor featureNames are specified. Parameters ---------- data : Pool dataset to calculate SHAP interaction values featureIndices : (int, int), optional pair of features indices to calculate SHAP interaction values for. featureNames : (str, str), optional pair of features names to calculate SHAP interaction values for. preCalcMode : EPreCalcShapValues Possible values: - Auto Use direct SHAP Values calculation only if data size is smaller than average leaves number (the best of two strategies below is chosen). - UsePreCalc Calculate SHAP Values for every leaf in preprocessing. Final complexity is O(NT(D+F))+O(TL^2 D^2) where N is the number of documents(objects), T - number of trees, D - average tree depth, F - average number of features in tree, L - average number of leaves in tree This is much faster (because of a smaller constant) than direct calculation when N >> L - NoPreCalc Use direct SHAP Values calculation calculation with complexity O(NTLD^2). Direct algorithm is faster when N < L (algorithm from calcType : ECalcTypeShapValues Possible values: - Regular Calculate regular SHAP values - Approximate Calculate approximate SHAP values - Exact Calculate exact SHAP values outputColumns : list of str columns from data to add to output DataFrame, if None - add all columns Returns ------- DataFrame - for regression and binclass models: contains outputColumns and "featureIdx1", "featureIdx2", "shapInteractionValue" columns - for multiclass models: contains outputColumns and "classIdx", "featureIdx1", "featureIdx2", "shapInteractionValue" columns """ return self._call_java( "getFeatureImportanceShapInteractionValues", data, featureIndices, featureNames, preCalcMode, calcType, outputColumns )
[docs] def getFeatureImportanceInteraction(self): """ Returns ------- list of FeatureInteractionScore """ return self._call_java("getFeatureImportanceInteraction")