Pairs description


A description of pairwise comparison of objects from the input dataset. This information is used to calculate the Pairwise metrics.

If pairs are present, then object label values are not taken into account when defining the winner object in each pair. Regardless of the label values, the first object in the pair is considered a winner.


  • List each pair of objects on a new line.
  • Use a tab as the delimiter to separate the columns on a line.

Row format

<winner index><\t><loser index><\t><pair weight (optional)>
  • winner indexis the zero-based index of the winner object from the input dataset for pairwise comparison.
  • loser indexis the zero-based index of the loser object from the input dataset for pairwise comparison.
  • pair weight is the weight of the pair. Set to 1.0 if not specified.

