Trained CatBoost models can be exported to CoreML.
The following example showcases how to train a model using CatBoostClassifier, save it CoreML using the save_model function and import the model to Xcode:
Train the model and save it in CoreML format.
For example, if training on the Iris dataset:
import catboost import sklearn iris = sklearn.datasets.load_iris() cls = catboost.CatBoostClassifier(loss_function='MultiClass'), # Save model to catboost format cls.save_model("iris.mlmodel", format="coreml", export_parameters={'prediction_type': 'probability'})
Import the resulting model to Xcode.
The following is an example of importing with Swift:
import CoreML let model = iris() let sepal_l = 7.0 let sepal_w = 3.2 let petal_l = 4.7 let petal_w = 1.4 guard let output = try? model.prediction(input: irisInput(feature_0: sepal_l, feature_1: sepal_w, feature_2: petal_l, feature_3: petal_w)) else { fatalError("Unexpected runtime error.") } print(String( format: "Output probabilities: %1.5f; %1.5f; %1.5f", output.prediction[0].doubleValue, output.prediction[1].doubleValue, output.prediction[2].doubleValue ))
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